Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 10:36 AM CST
Does brawling count as a weapon in terms of circling requirements?

"It was mine, they stole it from me. I was just returning it to it's rightful owner."
-Odalric Stormchest, Commoner.-
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 10:37 AM CST



You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.

"Even In Your Darkest, Most Hellish Nightmares You Are Safe. But In Reality, Night Always Falls, And There In The Shadows, I Wait."
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 02:02 PM CST
Brawling is probably the hardest weapon to train, unless youre a race that has a natural weapon (pryd claws, rakash moonskin teeth, etc). You just cant do enough damage with it to learn well, I have like 25 brawling, and can punch rockies if I ambush them, but the most Ive ever done to them was a "solid" hit.


I>steal gauth
Moving carefully, you reach into Guildmaster Gauthus's purse, but alas, it is empty.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 02:14 PM CST
You just cant do enough damage with it to learn well..heh don't need damage to learn it. My Rakash Cleric started trainning it but the time vs damage in the end wasn't to impressive.

~Apprentice to Damaris Ven
Of the Red Headed Step Child Guild
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 03:24 PM CST
When my LE and brawling were equal to each other, I would use my LE to kill goblins, and could lock it in about 5 minutes, just attacking, not backstabbing. Brawling took like half an hour.


I>steal gauth
Moving carefully, you reach into Guildmaster Gauthus's purse, but alas, it is empty.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 03:26 PM CST
brawling isn't that hard to train... i find short staff and sling far harder to train.

Medium Edged: 190
Heavy Edged: 143
Light Edged: 113
Brawling: 103
Light Crossbow: 97

the secret is to train it while you dance to get evasion going.. hunting leucros or guardians or la'hekes i swing my sword a few times to get the critter off balance. than move into brawl mode and <circle,elbow,shove> it keeps me incredibly balanced and locks up brawling very well. But i'm slowly working my to 100 in all weapons.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 09:08 PM CST
brawling is the easiest weapon of all to learn

you can dance and just circle bob weave over and over and keep it locked forever on one critter

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 09:29 PM CST
Yeah its very easy. Lock you backstab and weapon and when locking defenses just brawl weave circle till locked. Easy as pie!

~Birkan Featherhands teh drunken Prydaen
Re: Weapon requirement 03/25/2005 10:39 PM CST
you are all going about it the hard way, seriously, if your brawling is high enough to hit something you hunt, then yes, I spose bob weave and all that crap. But, really, the easiest way to learn brawling is to hold something in brawl mode and hit with it. I use a log. I hate HT, but I still carry a log around just to work brawling. Its weird but it works. Another way to work it is shoot something with an arrow or bolt so that it lodges, then just type "get arrow/bolt from critter" over and over. You learn well that way too



You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.

"Even In Your Darkest, Most Hellish Nightmares You Are Safe. But In Reality, Night Always Falls, And There In The Shadows, I Wait."
Re: Weapon requirement 03/26/2005 07:40 AM CST
dont see how thats really easier then circling a bunch while ya just standing there dancing anyways.

I used to grapple kneel stand kneel stand over and over not sure if that works with new system but circling over and over works perfectly. I dont feel like shooting one with a crossbow each time and doing that but does seem an interesting way for some. Anyhow there are many ways to learn brawling far better then any regular weapon all on one critter.

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
Re: Weapon requirement 03/29/2005 12:37 PM CST
(zailens post here) and barbarians can do the choke hold, I dont remember how well it teaches though

The mind behind Jostak

unlock man
You need a key for that.
remove key
You take off a gleaming animite key.
unlock manacles with key
You need a key for that.
You pout.
Re: Weapon requirement 05/18/2005 02:21 PM CDT
<<<<<<<<dont see how thats really easier then circling a bunch while ya just standing there dancing anyways.

I used to grapple kneel stand kneel stand over and over not sure if that works with new system but circling over and over works perfectly. I dont feel like shooting one with a crossbow each time and doing that but does seem an interesting way for some. Anyhow there are many ways to learn brawling far better then any regular weapon all on one critter.>>>>>>>>>

There is no RT when trying to get your arrow/bolt, so you can lock brawling very very fast.
Re: Weapon requirement 06/22/2005 10:13 AM CDT
Speed isn't that important tho, you want to learn evasion anyways, rather then just sit there might as well circle sometimes.

Soim posts,actually overall Valcer is correct.
Kapi posts,Yup Valcer may sometimes put his point across in a rather abrupt way, but often its just him getting carried away due to his passion and desire to want the guild to progress and improve.