Re : Armor req 06/07/2004 11:04 AM CDT
Jsut to play Devils Advocate: I think that one thing folks aren't considering, is the value as a requirement. Yes, I agree that we (as individuals that hunt) should wear armor. My character still would, seems smart to me. But why does Kalag care?

Harshon, player of
Re: Re : Armor req 06/07/2004 11:48 AM CDT
Maybe he dosent want us dying any more than we already do? Most thieves defenses are pretty piss poor to begin with.

Re: Re : Armor req 06/07/2004 03:16 PM CDT
>>Maybe he dosent want us dying any more than we already do? Most thieves defenses are pretty piss poor to begin with.

Pretty much. Kinda sad, but true in 95% of the cases.

(Korsik dragon)
You exclaim, "Rawr! Fire!"