Old Music 08/07/2005 03:42 AM CDT
Ya know, there is something to be said for a band like Glen Miller used to lead. Sometimes your just in the mood for a classic.


Sok da Dwarven Horse Rustler

Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you...Gentlemen. I am Pain.
Pinhead-Hellraiser: Bloodlines
Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 01:11 AM CDT
So, you are picking on Nasa who puts a couple hundred million into the safety of each astronaut in preparation for a one week mission. Do I even need to compare this to the amount spent ensuring the safety of any fireman, police officer, enlisted man/woman per year?

The astronauts know the risks. The precautions are taken. The fact is, the conditions for shooting a piece of metal and a few humans bolted to a few hundred thousand pounds of liquid oxygen and hydrogen into space will never be perfect.

Is this seriously a surprise? There is inherent risk in life. No matter how much money and time you throw at it, that risk significantly increases if you agree to be shot off the freaking planet. But I'm sure you're right; If they find damage to the heat shielding we'd probably just cover it with tin foil instead of taking a week to repair it and recheck the entire hull.

Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 02:17 AM CDT
You spent all that time defending the integrity and determination of those individuals who take on the operation, and maintenance of our space program, their years of training and education, and then you say this?

<<<But I'm sure you're right; If they find damage to the heat shielding we'd probably just cover it with tin foil instead of taking a week to repair it and recheck the entire hull.>>>>

The shuttle is safely home, and all future launches have been suspended while NASA re-evaluates the whole "bolted to liquid hydrogen" method of escape velocity. So before knocking strangers doing complicated tasks that are unfamiliar to one's self, let's give a big cheer to the space program, and pray for a day when Humanity realizes Earth is a very very very small piece of habitable environment in large tracts of life destroying vacuum.

Player of,
Alley Cat
Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 02:20 AM CDT
I will refer to Bre's comment here. I believe that the way people are dodging sarcasm goes WAY beyond global caps. Please fix, thx

Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 07:07 AM CDT
The editorial cartoon in the Boston Herald had a picture of NASA's new plans for a space vehicle. Good ole reliable NCC-1701. B model I think.
Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 09:15 AM CDT
> You spent all that time defending the integrity and determination of those individuals who take on the operation, and maintenance of our space program, their years of training and education, and then you say this?

Uh, I was being facetious.

Re: Old Music 08/12/2005 11:26 AM CDT
>and all future launches have been suspended while NASA re-evaluates the whole "bolted to liquid hydrogen"

.....rail gun....

True it may temporarily drain electricity from the whole east coast, but all fuel on the shuttle can be used to go further into space.


>I think I just peed myself a little bit.~Solomon
Re: Old Music 08/13/2005 01:10 PM CDT
Personally, I think they grounded em because the cost to fill the tanks was getting to get so high it was taking most of their budget.

>Snickers and fades back into the chaos


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