Shop Stealin... Finally 08/19/2004 09:48 PM CDT
Alrighty i normally just sit in the guild and train which still trains to around muddled/very but id like to start atleast going on some stealin runs. Any help on what city/what items are good to train/pay off fines with this skill?

Stealing: 113 57% very muddled
Hiding: 107 10% Clear

Ref/Agi 20

~Birkan Featherhands teh drunken Prydaen
Re: Shop Stealin... Finally 08/19/2004 09:58 PM CDT
Your best bet is to go out and test things out yourself. Not many people will flat out tell what items pawn for good money. Just test out your limits in the various big towns, and see what pawns and what doesn't.

~The Dark Death~

Yet acquiescingly
I did turn as he pointed: neither pride
Nor hope rekindling at the end descried,
So much as gladness that some end might be.
Re: Shop Stealin... Finally 08/19/2004 11:02 PM CDT
Not really wanting good money just enough to pay off the fines :\

I know i can normally steal leaf bladed swords one at a time and they pawn for a little

~Birkan Featherhands teh drunken Prydaen
Re: Shop Stealin... Finally 08/23/2004 09:57 PM CDT
>>I know i can normally steal leaf bladed swords one at a time and they pawn for a little>>

If you're really in it for the money, and not the experience, with a bit of time you can make a little bit more money. Take the items you steal from... say... Haven, and sell them in Crossings or Shard. Takes a great deal more time, but not many do it, so no one is there to drive the leaf-blade sword prices down in Shard.

Personally, it's not worth it for me. A rich, unaware trader can net me far more than 10 stealing runs can. For now, at least.

Re: Shop Stealin... Finally 08/23/2004 10:26 PM CDT
> Take the items you steal from... say... Haven, and sell them in Crossings or Shard. Takes a great deal more time, but not many do it

...untill now...

~Apprentice to Damaris

[Silvergryphon] "why are there 10 people dead in the cemetary?"
[Navak] "Well, it's a cemetary..."
Re: Shop Stealin... Finally 08/24/2004 05:44 PM CDT
>>...untill now...

~Apprentice to Damaris>>

If they all start up, more power to them. Soon they'll realize that the extra hour or so isn't worth the extra gold they might net if they're lucky.
