Thief Shops 03/15/2015 12:43 PM CDT

Can we please get some updated old stuff for the shops? I'm thinking of new looks for dirt containers and some that are worn other places than the belt, like thigh or neck. Some stackable lockpick cases that could be worn in a generic slot or pulled to be worn in different areas like bundles.
Re: Thief Shops 03/15/2015 01:11 PM CDT
Updating the fluff would be nice too. Adding some generic medium or high steel briquettes, or a nice set of sling/bow/crossbow ammo, would be great.
Re: Thief Shops 03/15/2015 04:34 PM CDT
>Adding some generic medium or high steel briquettes


Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Re: Thief Shops 04/02/2015 05:48 PM CDT

Just wanted to say I'm all for an update to the shops....some of the stuff in there is growing mold, (at least 4 years worth) and the goo ate something I think.

Maybe some cloth armor additions, a couple of weapons that someone else posted, the new containers would be great....Especially could use a facelift considering the 'face' it has now is more upscale.