OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 09:43 AM CDT
Okay here is the problem: I'm finding it difficult to RP cleric, bard, mage, ranger and thief. Its not my aim to try and RP all the guilds, just the ones i mention.

I have gone to the guilds, I get no instruction, only insults.

I have read all of the pertinent literature, but its so damned dogmatic.

Which God should I pray to?

Plus my skin is breaking out.

Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 10:05 AM CDT
<<Which God should I pray to?>>

get a copy of the immortals. you aren't forced by game mechanics to worship a particular god. many thieves worship damaris, but there are some that worship phelim, ushnish, hav'roth, glythtide or even chadatru. All depends on what fits your idea for your character.

<<I'm finding it difficult to RP cleric, bard, mage, ranger and thief. Its not my aim to try and RP all the guilds, just the ones i mention>>

theres no 'correct' answer. think of it as an actor playing a role. there are many varieties of the guilds you mention. for the cleric, theres anything from the wandering holy-man, the clergyman-sort, the fanatic babbling about the gods, the preacher,the warrior of the gods, etc. for bards, theres the musician, the drunk, the poet, the beatnik, the warrior bard. mages theres the crazed magician, the wizard, the warrior that just uses magic on the side.... the ranger theres the archer, the legolas sort,the conservationist, the naturelover, the hermit, the forestranger sort... for the thief there is the beggar, the locksmith, the kleptomaniac, the burglar, the henchman,the thug, the mafioso-type, the robin-hood type, the noble-turned thief because of events in the life... try to invent a "back-story' for yourself.... as to why your character became a thief - was it a conscious desire, a burning averice for the coins and gems of that which temporarily belongs to others, the result of unfortunate circumstances?

theres as many answers as there are thieves.

<<Plus my skin is breaking out.>>

crushed aloe leaf is good for skin abrasions...


A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 12:31 PM CDT
Schvartz is going to heaven...
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 01:05 PM CDT

<<Schvartz is going to heaven... >>

[Heaven, the Pearly Gates]

You see a very large ivory gate that is the same shade as pearls... although it seems that all the gems have been carefully removed. Also here, God, an Angel, an Angel, and a Gatekeeper.

God says, "What happened to my beautiful gates? All of the gems are missing."

An Angel says, "I don't know, but my diamond-studded harp seems to be missing as well."

God says to the Gatekeeper, "Who was the last one through the gates?"

The Gatekeeper says, "I couldn't see the features too close, but it looked kinda like Schvartzgonif.

You hear the sound of a contented S'Kra chirring from the shadows.

God says... "GONIF, put them back."

Schvartzgonif comes out of hiding.

(Schvartzgonif looks innocent).

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 02:15 PM CDT


If its got two legs and you hear a thud...don't panic...I just killed another one.

>>>>Agonar, apparently taking an uncharacteristic trip to the north, strolls by, winks at Marlena, giggles oddly to himself, and continues his journey onward.
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 02:38 PM CDT
That was funny. Cept God survives the encounter. That sucked.
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 06:53 PM CDT
>>Plus my skin is breaking out.

Your body is changing, it is a beautiful thing so dont worry about it.
As for roleplaying, just try to develope a personality for the character, maybe a rough history. Why is your character part of their guild? What race is your character and how does he feel about other races? Etc.

Be careful listening to Gonif's advice about religion, if she tells you to eat an apple, dont.


think Valcer, the tails on your women are all on the wrong side
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
Gladiator Valcer just arrived.
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 07:11 PM CDT
>Your body is changing, it is a beautiful thing so dont worry about it.

Have you seen the kids these days?! Yeesh!

~Apprentice to Damaris Ven
Re: OMG I need help! 05/12/2005 10:01 PM CDT
If they looked like that when I was that age I would be a far cry different than I am now. Its the water I swear it.



You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.

"Even In Your Darkest, Most Hellish Nightmares You Are Safe. But In Reality, Night Always Falls, And There In The Shadows, I Wait."
Re: OMG I need help! 05/13/2005 10:33 AM CDT
i do drink a lot of water. uh...but i did have facial hair at 11. So its hard to tell which came first. Also, i don't naturally have any sort of personality at all. I have an extremely flat affect. You could liken me to an unread newspaper; neatly folded, full of knowledge, but untouched, pristine, nubile. There is something wonderful about me. I just don't know what it is.

I need to let loose!
Re: OMG I need help! 05/31/2005 02:36 PM CDT
its not the water. if you live in the US, you eat genetically engineered food on a daily basis. other countries wont touch american meat or produce. its all genetically altered. thus, only americans eat it. hint as to why americans are fat and puberity starts earlier.
Re: OMG I need help! 05/31/2005 02:42 PM CDT
>hint as to why americans are fat and puberity starts earlier.

Among who know how many other things.

~Apprentice to Damaris Ven

"I hid, snuck out my pig-sticker, crept up on him, and leapt from hiding, stabbing a hole through his head as I shouted "Die, Poopie-Pants!!!"~Bre