look the other way 05/17/2002 08:55 AM CDT
playin the true thief hm..well..all i have is a qoute that i can't remember where it came from..but it works ;)

"steal from the rich (thats you), and give...to me!"

Enforcer Danoryiel <Temporarily Alive..just wait five minutes..someone or something'll strike me down!>
Re: look the other way 06/20/2002 02:18 PM CDT
EEK! It's the talking, walking dead!

Re: look the other way 06/24/2002 06:53 PM CDT
There are two mottos the Bandits of Dark Age of Camelot use..

"Rob from the rich ... That's my motto!"

"Your money or your life! I know I'll take both!"
Re: look the other way 06/25/2002 03:54 PM CDT

"Your money or your life! I know I'll take both!" That brings to mind---

now, I know this shows my age... but heck, they still sometimes have the old shows on cable. And besides--I didn't see it original, I saw it in reruns... Anyway... one of the best comedy jokes <that got the real laugh-o-meter>--was back on the old Jack Benny show. If you are familiar with the character he portrayed, he played a skinflint, tightwad that didn't want to pay for anything.

Anyway--one character sketch....Jack Benny gets mugged.

Robber says to him..... Your money or your life!

A LONG pause ensues....

Robber says "you deaf or what? I said, your money or your life!

Jack Benny: "I'm thinking...."
