>1. <thief> Everyone and his gerbil being able to carve lockpicks? I take that as a downgrade, not an upgrade. I hate that change, but there's not a single thing I can do about it.
If it's a) released in a "viral" manner (i.e. thieves teaching non-thieves) b) thieves are still better at it to some degree, I won't be against it. Yes, guilds should be better at their defining skills.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 01:19 PM CDT
>>If it's a) released in a "viral" manner (i.e. thieves teaching non-thieves) b) thieves are still better at it to some degree, I won't be against it.
It's my understanding that once general crafting skills are all released, guild-specific patterns/abilities/feats are planned to start taking form.
The major thing to remember about all the stuff changing right now is that one of the primary goals of 3.0 involves laying the foundation that could then be used to easily construct fancy guild-only things. Including the entire playerbase in the whole "laying the foundation" part of 3.0 was incredibly important because such a massive retooling of things pretty much required that it wouldn't be used by a very limited percentage of the playerbase. If someone wanted to write/create an entirely new system that was just limited to people who are in guild A over circle X, it wouldn't have been seen as worth the investment.
By making the groundwork global and the tools to make specific things much easier to use, you could theoretically see a ton more guild-specific stuff in the long run. But you won't see the latter until the former takes place.
"hypocrite, thy name is teveshszat, and i just hope i'm there to see you when you're broght down." - GERSTEINJ2
Chatter[Gonifa] whatever, scripto-gnome.
It's my understanding that once general crafting skills are all released, guild-specific patterns/abilities/feats are planned to start taking form.
The major thing to remember about all the stuff changing right now is that one of the primary goals of 3.0 involves laying the foundation that could then be used to easily construct fancy guild-only things. Including the entire playerbase in the whole "laying the foundation" part of 3.0 was incredibly important because such a massive retooling of things pretty much required that it wouldn't be used by a very limited percentage of the playerbase. If someone wanted to write/create an entirely new system that was just limited to people who are in guild A over circle X, it wouldn't have been seen as worth the investment.
By making the groundwork global and the tools to make specific things much easier to use, you could theoretically see a ton more guild-specific stuff in the long run. But you won't see the latter until the former takes place.
"hypocrite, thy name is teveshszat, and i just hope i'm there to see you when you're broght down." - GERSTEINJ2
Chatter[Gonifa] whatever, scripto-gnome.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 02:28 PM CDT
>1. <thief> Everyone and his gerbil being able to carve lockpicks? I take that as a downgrade, not an upgrade.
Everyone is losing their guild-specific crafting abilities. Moon mages shall no longer be the only ones who can enchant. Barbarians no longer will be able to (effectively) forge weapons. etc. etc.
At the very least lockpicks are such a niche market, thieves aren't taking such a huge blow.
Everyone is losing their guild-specific crafting abilities. Moon mages shall no longer be the only ones who can enchant. Barbarians no longer will be able to (effectively) forge weapons. etc. etc.
At the very least lockpicks are such a niche market, thieves aren't taking such a huge blow.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 04:25 PM CDT
>>At the very least lockpicks are such a niche market, thieves aren't taking such a huge blow.
Pretty much this. We are about the only people who actually open boxes anymore anyways.
On top of this it has been stated by one Red Name or another that there would be thief only picks.
>>Yes, guilds should be better at their defining skills.
We are the best at popping boxes by far already, and this is not being taken away. Just the ability to make lockpicks is being open to every one else.
Pretty much this. We are about the only people who actually open boxes anymore anyways.
On top of this it has been stated by one Red Name or another that there would be thief only picks.
>>Yes, guilds should be better at their defining skills.
We are the best at popping boxes by far already, and this is not being taken away. Just the ability to make lockpicks is being open to every one else.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 05:43 PM CDT
>> lockpicks.
Could always open some fun RP around a group of Thieves taking offense to some new upstart trader or mage trying to poke their noses into the lockpick market, niche as it may be. Could be like the Fade weapons were intended to be, without the automatic 'I'm going to hide behind my shop door'. Silver lining and all that.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 06:01 PM CDT
Yay, people are posting here again! Let's see a couple pages in the conflicts folder, I might cry a little. =D
Also, MRAUDIO is Tercsyn if memory serves.
Also, MRAUDIO is Tercsyn if memory serves.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 06:28 PM CDT
>Also, MRAUDIO is Tercsyn if memory serves.
God that explains a lot.
Funny to see that much of an argument from someone who has sold their character, and from the last I heard doesn't even play the game anymore.
That actually sounds really interesting, and there is already RP setup to make this happen. The Locksmith Union still has prices set on lockpicks so it will be very interesting to see what happens when the market opens up and people will start charging whatever they want.
God that explains a lot.
Funny to see that much of an argument from someone who has sold their character, and from the last I heard doesn't even play the game anymore.
That actually sounds really interesting, and there is already RP setup to make this happen. The Locksmith Union still has prices set on lockpicks so it will be very interesting to see what happens when the market opens up and people will start charging whatever they want.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 07:15 PM CDT
>The Locksmith Union still has prices set on lockpicks so it will be very interesting to see what happens when the market opens up and people will start charging whatever they want.
Just for the record, when this was an issue years ago and a few people were trying to undercut the market, the Locksmith Union officially stated that it would not get involved in the price fixing or enforcing of lockpick sales, and that only it's members had to abide by the 4G for Master Irons and 1P for GrandMaster Irons.
>Funny to see that much of an argument from someone who has sold their character
what does that have to do with anything at all? who cares if he's sold a character? or bought any? that has nothing at all to do with what he belives is wrong with the guild's development.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Just for the record, when this was an issue years ago and a few people were trying to undercut the market, the Locksmith Union officially stated that it would not get involved in the price fixing or enforcing of lockpick sales, and that only it's members had to abide by the 4G for Master Irons and 1P for GrandMaster Irons.
>Funny to see that much of an argument from someone who has sold their character
what does that have to do with anything at all? who cares if he's sold a character? or bought any? that has nothing at all to do with what he belives is wrong with the guild's development.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 08:09 PM CDT
The poster claims he or she is from back in the day, so if they bought a character by buying the original player's account then there is a little double dealing, conning if you like.
It's all good in the Thief's folder I suppose.
And as far as the Locksmith Union is concerned we haven't enforced pricing in a long time, in fact we have at times pushed strongly against this previous setup.
In other news we have a Box Raffle coming up in the Locksmith Union.
And in other news I'd doubt we'd attempt to stop people from trying to corner the Lockpick carving market, as long as it's not hurting the Locksmith Union directly.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
The poster claims he or she is from back in the day, so if they bought a character by buying the original player's account then there is a little double dealing, conning if you like.
It's all good in the Thief's folder I suppose.
And as far as the Locksmith Union is concerned we haven't enforced pricing in a long time, in fact we have at times pushed strongly against this previous setup.
In other news we have a Box Raffle coming up in the Locksmith Union.
And in other news I'd doubt we'd attempt to stop people from trying to corner the Lockpick carving market, as long as it's not hurting the Locksmith Union directly.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: April 1
04/02/2012 09:39 PM CDT
>The poster claims he or she is from back in the day, so if they bought a character by buying the original player's account then there is a little double dealing, conning if you like.
Fair enough on that I suppose. I hadn't really followed the thread too closely, just that statement I quoted and answered to stuck out to me for some reason. anyways, moving on.
>And as far as the Locksmith Union is concerned we haven't enforced pricing in a long time...
I assume you mean enforcing pricing for it's members, but yeah, I wasn't sure if there had been any changes since leadership changed over a couple times since The Hand was leading it. I'd just have assumed that the 4G per Master and 1P per Grandmaster iron policy was still in effect for its members. No big deal either way to me really. Can't wait for the box raffle and see who is the big winner.
also, should maybe post a prize listing for the raffle sometime soon. so people know what they stand to win.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Fair enough on that I suppose. I hadn't really followed the thread too closely, just that statement I quoted and answered to stuck out to me for some reason. anyways, moving on.
>And as far as the Locksmith Union is concerned we haven't enforced pricing in a long time...
I assume you mean enforcing pricing for it's members, but yeah, I wasn't sure if there had been any changes since leadership changed over a couple times since The Hand was leading it. I'd just have assumed that the 4G per Master and 1P per Grandmaster iron policy was still in effect for its members. No big deal either way to me really. Can't wait for the box raffle and see who is the big winner.
also, should maybe post a prize listing for the raffle sometime soon. so people know what they stand to win.
Blackguard Danoryiel
"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Re: April 1
04/03/2012 06:49 AM CDT
<<I'd just have assumed that the 4G per Master and 1P per Grandmaster iron policy was still in effect for its members.>>
i still follow this pricing.
[Uzmam] "<chat>" "what you seem to not realize is that I'd love for Uzmam to be outed. That way she could have Divult finally apprentice her and I could learn those slips"
Re: April 1
04/03/2012 10:26 AM CDT
>>Funny to see that much of an argument from someone who has sold their character, and from the last I heard doesn't even play the game anymore.
You're sources are as dumb as you. I've never sold Terc nor has anyone ever played him but me.
You're sources are as dumb as you. I've never sold Terc nor has anyone ever played him but me.