new contact idea 10/25/2017 07:41 PM CDT
it has always bothered me whenever caught breaking the law you get the following message.

A voice whispers in your ear, "The officials in Crossing have charged you with thievery. We've kept things quiet, but thought you'd like to know."

To me, it's sound like my good standing with the guild is going to protect me by paying off some greedy guard to accidentally lose documentation my crime. That's not the case at all.

I think we should have contact ability called [contact bribe]
It will send henchman off to town officials or constable to lose evidence of our crime and take us from wanted to unwanted for a fee of course.

The fee could be determined by the severity of the crime and guild reputation.

If you're wanted for mass murder and the guild is a step away from making you disappear have the contacts ignore you.
If you just killed a man in broad daylight with seven witnesses and you're in average standing make it cost you a bit.
If you get caught snagging a necklace but earn the guild many coins and usually keep quiet not making too much noise then maybe do it for free?
If you're caught breaking the law at your pinnacle not being a nuisance this will happen automatically without contact and next time this message,

Will mean what it says.

A voice whispers in your ear, "The officials in Crossing have charged you with thievery. We've kept things quiet, but thought you'd like to know."
Re: new contact idea 10/25/2017 07:53 PM CDT

I think the purpose was to hide the fact that you were a thief in the days that they were considered the instigators, as opposed to necros of today.

I think it would be a cool addition though. When you bin an item, you build up a credit. When caught stealing some of that credit is deducted, and you don’t get charged.

If you dob’t Have enough credit then you get charged as normal. I agree that it should only apply to certain crimes that don’t involve players.
Re: new contact idea 10/25/2017 07:57 PM CDT
That is interesting, how did it hide the fact you were a thief?

Credit's a good idea.

Why do you think it shouldn't involve players? or do you mean certain crimes?
Re: new contact idea 10/25/2017 08:55 PM CDT

Everyone else has an announcement in the room you're in that you're wanted for a crime. Thieves didn't. That's especially important for a thief pretending to be a paladin or other trustworthy character.

Funny story. I actually knew a thief in the old days that I legitimately thought was a paladin. They would sit in the guild. They would teach very high heavy plate skill, and they would act the part. I was very impressed at their dedication when I finally found out.

> Why do you think it shouldn't involve players? or do you mean certain crimes?

I just mean certain crimes. I was specifically thinking about murder. A thief shouldn't be able to script up a million credits and kill people without repercussions. Stealing from other players may also be fine, but I'm not sure anyone uses report anymore anyway.
Re: new contact idea 10/26/2017 11:24 AM CDT
Yea, this idea has been floating around since 2009.