Learning Thievery from guards 06/13/2016 11:36 AM CDT
I'm wondering if anyone really tries to get extra thievery experience from hiding around guards with a warrant. At really low ranks (30 thievery, 40 stealth) I was able to move 2 mindstates from being around a Crossing guard; I was caught on the fourth search with only darken up.

I was thinking that with greater stealth and more khri this might actually return some decent exp after a stealing run. Plunder and darken definitely; and maybe silence.
Re: Learning Thievery from guards 06/14/2016 12:15 AM CDT
>>I was thinking that with greater stealth and more khri this might actually return some decent exp after a stealing run.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure Stealth ranks don't have anything to do with being seen, or not being seen, by the guards when you have a warrant. It's based purely on your Thievery ranks AFAIK, which is why you learn Thievery. I know with 1200+ ranks in Stealth they spot/catch in about the same time as they did when I had about 400 less ranks (my Thievery hasn't really moved much in that time). The exp from it drops off pretty quickly, too.