Whoops - rep too low! 05/30/2013 07:18 AM CDT
I went on a bit of a cash grab recently and let my reputation tank to the point of being marked for death when entering a guild. The unfortunate part is that I need the bins in the guild to raise my reputation! Is there any way for me to build my reputation up again when marked for death in the guild?

Re: Whoops - rep too low! 05/30/2013 09:33 AM CDT
Well it depends on which province you're in. There's at least two places I know in Theren which aren't in the guild and have reputation buckets. I'm drawing a blank if there's anything like that on the islands, hib, or ilithi. I'm fairly sure one is not in Zoluren though.

Other options include:
1) Doing tasks for an NPC associated with the thief guild. Obviously this has to be a non-guildleader since you can't get into the guild, but there are other NPCs out there.

2) Staying off the wanted boards and time. Turn in yourself in the province. Make sure you're not wanted anywhere else in the entire province (some places, like the islands or clans, have separated justice systems that you need to check to make sure that you're not wanted). Then wait. Over time, your reputation will slowly shift towards neutral, which can be monitored using the beggar.

Re: Whoops - rep too low! 05/30/2013 05:10 PM CDT

There are 'bins' in Hib and Ilithi if you know where to look. Ratha has one for sure, cant remember any others at the moment. There are thief NPC's in each city that you can do TASKS for in the hopes of repairing your rep, just gotta find the right folks to ask (Or check that wiki thing).
