i need alittle advice.. on a problem im having. 06/12/2009 01:23 AM CDT
you see im having this problem with something being too hot for me to handle once being properly prepared.. but my thing is i once put it on something and it became to hot to handle.. how do i cool it down enough to handle without being burnt?

Mordicum TheBlackhand
Pack Hunter
Re: i need alittle advice.. on a problem im having. 06/12/2009 02:45 AM CDT
use pour, i think...

you can AIM me @ YamcerDR or find me in game if you want to discuss stuff.


"You know, while I understand the importance of seeing the (personal) validity in other's arguments, it's impossible for me to believe fully that others are correct. If their argument was correct, I'd change mine." - My GF
Re: i need alittle advice.. on a problem im having. 06/12/2009 07:11 AM CDT
Pour everything you can pour anyway. There's at least 1 bug were if you don't POUR it won't work.

~Hunter Hanryu
Tolle says, "Yup yup, 'bout time. What the heck took you so long?"