Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/16/2008 04:03 PM CST
>>Your ability to use poly-syballic words doesn't seem to preclude your ability to be completely oblivious. Fascinating.

Sadly, vulgarity is banned on these forums, so short and precise wording is sometimes necessary.


Ummm, polysyballic words are anything but short, by defenition. Anyways, I don't have a real conflict, I don't care enough to, but I remember just being... mildly annoyed by your tone in a thread recently. So, since I wanted to reply to your reply, I put it here, as it's more appropriate.
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/16/2008 04:07 PM CST


I'd point out the "defenition" thing, too, but homophonic misspellings don't bug me as much as misspellings that change how the word sounds.

...hey, it is Conflicts...
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/16/2008 04:10 PM CST
I always get the Ls in the wrong spot. And tend to misspell definition on a regular basis. And that's when I don't have the on and off fever I've had the last few days... oh well.
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/16/2008 05:14 PM CST
>>Ummm, polysyballic words are anything but short, by defenition.

You're right.

I meant short posts with very precise wording are necessary.
Prime: Malkien
Prime: (Necromancer Bob- coming to DR in '08!)
TF: Ganymede
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/17/2008 09:14 AM CST
This conflict is a huge disappointment so far. Someone say something really hurtful immediately.

:oP Ragran
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/17/2008 10:06 AM CST
Honestly, I think the criticims on the conflict have been harsher than the "conflict" its self. Heh.
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/17/2008 10:11 AM CST
<<This conflict is a huge disappointment so far. Someone say something really hurtful immediately.>>

Ragran may be the nicest adventure DR has ever known.


SEND[Zeyurn] Such is life.
Re: Man, normally I wouldn't, but I had to 02/17/2008 10:12 AM CST
I know you just insulted me.

You can't fool me.

:oP Ragran