Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 05:02 PM CST
Moving carefully, you slip your hand into XXXXX's pockets and carefully grab a cloudy red spiritgem.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

And 2nd...
Moving carefully, you slip your hand into XXXXXX's pockets and carefully grab a pulsing yellow spiritgem.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

And 3rd...
Moving carefully, you slip your hand into XXXXXX's pockets and carefully grab a luminous white spiritgem.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

And 4th...
Moving carefully, you slip your hand into XXXXXXX's pockets and carefully grab a luminous black spiritgem.
Roundtime: 1 sec.

I really get a kick out of stealing people's spirits.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 06:43 PM CST

In the gem pouch you see a cloudy red spiritgem, a pale white spiritgem, a cloudy black spiritgem, a wispy green spiritgem, a vibrant chartreuse spiritgem, a pulsing black spiritgem, a luminous violet spiritgem, a vibrant yellow spiritgem, a luminous yellow spiritgem, a dark black spiritgem, a dim green spiritgem, a soft green spiritgem, a wispy green spiritgem, a pulsing silver spiritgem, a dark chartreuse spiritgem, a luminous silver spiritgem, a dark blue spiritgem, a dark yellow spiritgem, a dim blue spiritgem, a dark blue spiritgem, a dark red spiritgem, a vibrant green spiritgem, a luminous orange spiritgem, a vibrant red spiritgem, a luminous yellow spiritgem, a pulsing white spiritgem, a shining chartreuse spiritgem, a pale chartreuse spiritgem, a vibrant silver spiritgem, a shining white spiritgem, a shining silver spiritgem and a dim black spiritgem.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 07:22 PM CST
Great job thieves and GMs.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 08:06 PM CST
>>Great job thieves and GMs.

Agreed. That's kind of a dick move.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 09:25 PM CST
>Agreed. That's kind of a dick move.

Especially since the GM post up top basically says 'these are gems', so once gone, they're gone. I'd imagine we'll see something similar crop up at some point, but I read the post as we're never going to see an actual replacement for pouched/stolen/etc. gems, which is, indeed, a great job all around.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 09:55 PM CST
Can't say I feel bad for people considering how many mindbogglingly simple ways there are to prevent a gem from getting stolen.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/12/2012 10:16 PM CST
Well, I tried putting one in those fest gem holder jewelry right after it transformed, and it wouldn't go in it, so I assumed they weren't actually gems. (Bad logic on my part.) I can see how a lot of people could have made the mistake of thinking they were not true gems.

Then again, I have seen some empaths receive some of those nicer gems as tips and not secure those either... so perhaps some people are just bad with shiny objects.

You've reached the uninformative help match I haven't written yet.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/13/2012 07:34 AM CST
Ha that is funny - I instantly lost mine to my gem pouch while in combat. Not sure who's bright idea it was to make it go to your hand randomly. (not that it matters)

Forged Weapons:
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/13/2012 09:50 PM CST

ahahahahahhahaa, Best posted caper in ages. Glad someone managed to pull this off after all the years of festivals being no-steal areas. Its great to hear all the tears hitting the ground because people werent smart enough to safeguard their valuables. Kudos to you, sir!
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/13/2012 11:10 PM CST
>> Glad someone managed to pull this off after all the years of festivals being no-steal areas. Its great to hear all the tears hitting the ground because people werent smart enough to safeguard their valuables. Kudos to you, sir!

The first year Hollow's Eve opened, inside the Chicken Door was a stealable area.

That was good times.
Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/14/2012 09:27 PM CST
Even after all the warnings.

Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Sux2bu's pockets and carefully grab a pulsing orange spiritgem.

Moving carefully, you slip your hand into LOL's pockets and carefully grab a luminous orange spiritgem.

This puts me at 34 spiritgems.

Re: Same rush from Stealing my first Platinum... 11/14/2012 11:17 PM CST
You rummage through a gem pouch looking for something similar to "spiritgem" and see a soft black spiritgem, a dim chartreuse spiritgem, a soft red spiritgem, a pale white spiritgem, a vibrant blue spiritgem, a dim orange spiritgem, a pale blue spiritgem, a vibrant black spiritgem, a cloudy red spiritgem, a luminous white spiritgem, a pulsing yellow spiritgem, a luminous black spiritgem, a soft green spiritgem, a soft orange spiritgem and a pale black spiritgem.

Only up to 15 here. I'm becoming slightly addicted to stealing them but as time goes on I'm getting fewer and fewer it seems.

Must find fresh meat...