In the advent of new EXP is there any chance someone could look into the possibility of the shoplifting timer decaying while logged out?
I just find it odd that I can be logged out for 8 hours get a full 100 percent drain in my entire stealing pool and am stuck not being able to refill that pool for what could be an hour after it's been empty. (Without completely changing my surroundings)
With old (new?) stealing and the secondary pool the timer not decaying on log out made sense, since those unabsorbed bits in the secondary pool were still awaiting to become "actual experience." Yet with this no longer the case, I feel the hour timer not decaying while logged off is dated and should be removed.
Any thoughts?
Re: Shoplifting Timer
07/23/2009 04:45 AM CDT
I can ask Zeyurn about the shoplifting timer. As for the Raven's Court, I'll take a look at the timer for the gallery items and reevaluate.
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
Re: Shoplifting Timer
08/22/2009 03:29 PM CDT
>> I can ask Zeyurn about the shoplifting timer.
Soooo any new news on this?? I know Z was on vacation when I asked the first time but if he's around will you prod for a response?
Soooo any new news on this?? I know Z was on vacation when I asked the first time but if he's around will you prod for a response?
Re: Shoplifting Timer
10/06/2009 07:13 PM CDT
After talking with Zeyurn, we're going to review the shoplifting timer. As for the Raven's Court gallery (I know someone asked about that in the past), I'm going to see about decreasing it, but I won't say by how much.
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
-- GM Tiesse
"Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai. The keyboard cowboys." -- The Plague
Re: Shoplifting Timer
11/14/2009 08:05 PM CST
>>After talking with Zeyurn, we're going to review the shoplifting timer.
I figure i'll add my monthly plee for the review of the timer. Logging in to have my (almost) full stealing pool completely drained is amazing. The only killer is having to wait that potential 60 minutes to even attempt to restart training this skill effectively.
The best options I see are to drasticly cut down the amount of time the stealing penalty is in place and/or to let that timer decay while logged out. For someone who doesn't get more then a couple hours (ideally) every few days to hop on and do some hard training, this is sort of hindersome.
I figure i'll add my monthly plee for the review of the timer. Logging in to have my (almost) full stealing pool completely drained is amazing. The only killer is having to wait that potential 60 minutes to even attempt to restart training this skill effectively.
The best options I see are to drasticly cut down the amount of time the stealing penalty is in place and/or to let that timer decay while logged out. For someone who doesn't get more then a couple hours (ideally) every few days to hop on and do some hard training, this is sort of hindersome.