Has been seen in Crossing MBing people to make them drop valuable items then stealing them. And has also been seen bullying young adventurers.
Ryeka Wolfsdaughter, cleric of Damaris
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Mitkian...
12/13/2003 09:29 PM CST
>Has been seen in Crossing MBing people to make them drop valuable items then stealing them. And has also been seen bullying young adventurers
That mech abuse tell the victim to report him and let the GM deal with his kind.
Frosts, Player of
Conficious says "To err is human. To rub it in is divine!"
That mech abuse tell the victim to report him and let the GM deal with his kind.
Frosts, Player of
Conficious says "To err is human. To rub it in is divine!"
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 01:43 AM CST
<<<That mech abuse tell the victim to report him and let the GM deal with his kind.>>>
Nah, not mech abuse. its consent to PVP him (or if you dont RP and want to report, you could do that too, but I encourage the RP route unless he is lame and logs or something or passes the item off to someone else)
Nah, not mech abuse. its consent to PVP him (or if you dont RP and want to report, you could do that too, but I encourage the RP route unless he is lame and logs or something or passes the item off to someone else)
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 03:41 AM CST
<<<That mech abuse tell the victim to report him and let the GM deal with his kind.>>>
<<Nah, not mech abuse. its consent to PVP him (or if you dont RP and want to report, you could do that too, but I encourage the RP route unless he is lame and logs or something or passes the item off to someone else)
While I support RP over reporting, and while I'm in Haven and haven't seen this myself - if he's picking on younger players as described, they can't exactly effectively PvP him, and the consent policy won't let someone else fight on their behalf.
<<Nah, not mech abuse. its consent to PVP him (or if you dont RP and want to report, you could do that too, but I encourage the RP route unless he is lame and logs or something or passes the item off to someone else)
While I support RP over reporting, and while I'm in Haven and haven't seen this myself - if he's picking on younger players as described, they can't exactly effectively PvP him, and the consent policy won't let someone else fight on their behalf.
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 04:04 AM CST
<<<While I support RP over reporting, and while I'm in Haven and haven't seen this myself - if he's picking on younger players as described, they can't exactly effectively PvP him, and the consent policy won't let someone else fight on their behalf. >>>
Cant argue that, which is why I eagerly await the champion system!
Cant argue that, which is why I eagerly await the champion system!
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 10:40 AM CST
>Nah, not mech abuse. its consent to PVP him (or if you dont RP and want to report, you could do that too, but I encourage the RP route unless he is lame and logs or something or passes the item off to someone else)
Humm, from my understand of what the GM said a while ago, if PC use spell like tingle or MB to steal item on other PC hand is mech abuse and will be dealt as such. But I could be wrong and they could have change it with all this new consent rule.
Frosts, Player of
Conficious says "To err is human. To rub it in is divine!"
Humm, from my understand of what the GM said a while ago, if PC use spell like tingle or MB to steal item on other PC hand is mech abuse and will be dealt as such. But I could be wrong and they could have change it with all this new consent rule.
Frosts, Player of
Conficious says "To err is human. To rub it in is divine!"
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 11:38 AM CST
You're wrong it's not mech abuse, and it's not hard to champion as it is you just gotta get em to say a few things.
gonif rah
I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife.- Alice in Chains "Sludge Factory"
gonif rah
I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife.- Alice in Chains "Sludge Factory"
Re: Mitkian...
12/14/2003 02:12 PM CST
I was just at the NE gate and Mitkian was there and I whispered to a friend what an ass he was, then I happen to read this thread.