Just a thought why dont you guys (Guys meaning GM's and game staff) Make a Town or area thats sorta like Har'jaal cept its a dog eat dog town. That way all the evil people could flock to one place form a cult and run wild or somethin.. I dont know I havent slept in a while, so I mean maybe this isent a good idea or maybes its a genius idea. Feel free to add, warp, and pervert it any way you want to guys heh.
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/23/2002 09:14 AM CDT
>Kerken's post
Maulem~Riverhaven Boar farmer
Maulem~Riverhaven Boar farmer
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/23/2002 10:22 AM CDT
I second Maulem's post. That place is where you want to be.
Though from what I hear, even there isn't so friendly for evil-doers. :P
Though from what I hear, even there isn't so friendly for evil-doers. :P
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/23/2002 10:45 AM CDT
Heck, Bear, from the limited posts/player experiences I've read or heard, it's not very nice for anyone. (Read: A wedding where the groom got skragged when the cleric asked for objections and the bride was taken hostage.) Heh.
Maulem~happy in prime, thanks
Maulem~happy in prime, thanks
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/23/2002 11:31 AM CDT
Im not the one complaining about no evil people, Im simply giving a suggestion so that they wont post 50+ replys on somethin like that. Im perfectly happy being suto evil in Prime heh.
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/27/2002 07:13 AM CDT
I personally would like them just to ease up on policy concerning PVP and let us all handle things.
Heck if some low circler is getting picked on by someone then we should be the ones to take care of that not the GMs.
But we can't touch anyone or anything nowadays without practically getting stomped on.
The only thing that should be reportable in my opinion is mechanics abuse and severe harassment, cursing too I guess.
TF was a mistake I think, 200 people on that server at a time? Geez
Heck if some low circler is getting picked on by someone then we should be the ones to take care of that not the GMs.
But we can't touch anyone or anything nowadays without practically getting stomped on.
The only thing that should be reportable in my opinion is mechanics abuse and severe harassment, cursing too I guess.
TF was a mistake I think, 200 people on that server at a time? Geez
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/28/2002 02:58 AM CDT
>>TF was a mistake I think, 200 people on that server at a time? Geez
How is it a mistake? How many are on Plat at a time? How many are in H&X?
How is it a mistake? How many are on Plat at a time? How many are in H&X?
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/29/2002 07:51 AM CDT
all a mistake, all need to come to prime, they will be assimilated into our collective.........
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/29/2002 12:49 PM CDT
I absolutely and full-heartedly agree on this about letting us handle our own PvP issues. I mean, I can understand when someone is just out slaughtering people for NO reason... but if you have a legit RP reason(but its not on the consent rules) you should be able to kill someone. A friend of mine was killed twice by the same person recently, and then when he got killed for it, he reported... what the heck is that? I can't even attack anyone anymore if they bug the crap out of me, because its really not in the consent rules and I dont need a lockout... but if I was really in a DR world and someone was annoying me... I have a sharp sabre in my sheath, I would use it, wouldnt you? Some would say, go to TF... well TF kills for fun... I just wouldnt mind being able to kill for RP.
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/29/2002 12:52 PM CDT
>>I can't even attack anyone anymore if they bug the crap out of me<<
Yur wrong here. You can attack for harrasement.
Being a villain does not nescessarily mean you have to PvP.
Yur wrong here. You can attack for harrasement.
Being a villain does not nescessarily mean you have to PvP.
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
08/31/2002 06:26 PM CDT
I agree the fallen was a huge mistake on Simu's part. Instead of working on helping develop a environment where evil could flourish and do battle with good hence creating our very own RP plots without GM depenance they took the easy way out and created the fallen. I would have joined TF to but its not just a land without reporting. Its also a land where anyone can be as OOC as they want. And people can script to thier hears content, and I'm sorry but that sucks and its not for me.
DR is so fleshed out story wise with so much backstory available on races, places and people it pains me to see such wasted potential. Being a Villain is more then just running around and killing people and graverobbing. Thats just snerty behavior. A real villain usually has one of 3 goals.
1. To gain power
2. to avenage a slight against him or a the murder of a loved one
3. To change things for what he believes to be "the better" usually taking over a land or a poltical office to instiute polciys he believes are right
I think DR is actually worse off now as it is, because instead of having villians we have graverobbing snerts who hide behind policy. I hate policy players and detest report. report is evil. report is the tool of Satan (getting that I hate report here). Report should only be for reporting someone who is OOC, sexual harrasement or sometrhing serious of that nature.
The problem is DR does not have the mechanics for this, not even close. What it boils down to is....why bother being evil if theres no power to be gained? We can't sell our souls for power, we cant sacrifice players to the dark gods in exchange for necromatic spells.
Can you imagine how cool it would be if a cleric decides power at any cost is the way to go? He could sell his soul and no longer be able to walk in the sun in exchange for incredible power. Then he would have to occasionally sacrifice a person during a certain phase of the moon to mantain said power. Until a group of paladins kill him deep underground.
It doesnt even have to be player related. Imagine a barbarian who eats the uncooked flesh of his foes (critters not people) and absorbs thier spirits getting stronger for it. But this practice is frowned upon in lets say Zoluren and he is forbidden from entering there.
Or as pointed out earlier, players robbing the bank, toll bridges, annd hostage situations. It could go on and on, and if done right it would be great.
To Dig ourselves out of the hole we have dug for orselves we need to do the following.
1. change report
2. change consent
3. create mechanics that make playing a evil character worth it. Make something worth gaining or doing, else everyone being evil is just doing it for the sake of evil, which is lame
DR is so fleshed out story wise with so much backstory available on races, places and people it pains me to see such wasted potential. Being a Villain is more then just running around and killing people and graverobbing. Thats just snerty behavior. A real villain usually has one of 3 goals.
1. To gain power
2. to avenage a slight against him or a the murder of a loved one
3. To change things for what he believes to be "the better" usually taking over a land or a poltical office to instiute polciys he believes are right
I think DR is actually worse off now as it is, because instead of having villians we have graverobbing snerts who hide behind policy. I hate policy players and detest report. report is evil. report is the tool of Satan (getting that I hate report here). Report should only be for reporting someone who is OOC, sexual harrasement or sometrhing serious of that nature.
The problem is DR does not have the mechanics for this, not even close. What it boils down to is....why bother being evil if theres no power to be gained? We can't sell our souls for power, we cant sacrifice players to the dark gods in exchange for necromatic spells.
Can you imagine how cool it would be if a cleric decides power at any cost is the way to go? He could sell his soul and no longer be able to walk in the sun in exchange for incredible power. Then he would have to occasionally sacrifice a person during a certain phase of the moon to mantain said power. Until a group of paladins kill him deep underground.
It doesnt even have to be player related. Imagine a barbarian who eats the uncooked flesh of his foes (critters not people) and absorbs thier spirits getting stronger for it. But this practice is frowned upon in lets say Zoluren and he is forbidden from entering there.
Or as pointed out earlier, players robbing the bank, toll bridges, annd hostage situations. It could go on and on, and if done right it would be great.
To Dig ourselves out of the hole we have dug for orselves we need to do the following.
1. change report
2. change consent
3. create mechanics that make playing a evil character worth it. Make something worth gaining or doing, else everyone being evil is just doing it for the sake of evil, which is lame
Re: Hmmm, A town for evil people !
01/12/2003 08:02 AM CST
I wanna kill ya Thyric ::chuckles:: kk Im liein....just report ya....hehehehe ::Huggles::