Bow 01/15/2004 03:21 PM CST
Ok, maybe it is just me, but why does it seem that men got shafted on the verb side of gratitude? Women have different ways to curtsy, IIRC, but I can only bow, unless I use ACT or SMILE which can be tacky and strange. I would like some things like:

>bow gracefully
You raise your hands slightly before bowing gracefully, tucking one hand against your stomach and the other against your back.

>bow shyly
You glance down at the ground and bow, avoiding eye contact with <person>.

>bow slightly
You bow, ever so slightly.

>bow humbly
You clasp your hands in front of you and bow low to the ground.

Just some thoughts!

~~Fout Pouz moi, Zien paz moi~~
'Everything for me, nothing from me'

~The mind behind Raydell and many~
Re: Bow 01/15/2004 04:41 PM CST
Wouldn't mind seeing some additional emotes for bow, myself.

I'd like to see mockingly and respectfully added to that too, though.

- Player of Miki & Cael

Despairing due to that darn dimpling? Dump those dimples, discounted 100%!

IM Filthy Sentiment, or email my addy.
Re: Bow 01/16/2004 09:41 AM CST
>bow mock baron
You bow mockingly to the Baron.

*Peperic was just struck down!! DOH!

I concur though, more bow adjectives, why should the women get all the good stuff?

Peperic Timarson, a Ranger, all around nice guy and occasional board bully.
Re: Bow 01/16/2004 10:55 AM CST
>>>why should the women get all the good stuff?

Because we're women and we give you life.


Everyday is a winding road
I get a little bit closer
Everyday is a faded sign
I get a little bit closer to feeling fine

-Sheryl Crow
Re: Bow 01/16/2004 03:28 PM CST
But.. I want to look pretty, too.
Re: Bow 01/16/2004 09:12 PM CST
That can be arranged.

<smiles knowingly>


Everyday is a winding road
I get a little bit closer
Everyday is a faded sign
I get a little bit closer to feeling fine

-Sheryl Crow
Bow 06/25/2004 09:23 PM CDT
Let's see some flavor when it comes to the bow verb. For example, bow slightly, bow quickly, bow deeply, bow reverently, etc.
Re: Bow 06/26/2004 01:41 PM CDT
We've been -suggesting- [ie: begging, complaining, wanting, whining, asking, etc.] more BOW verbage since we got the extension to CURTSY.

Leyhan the Scholar.

"Our God is Hav'roth, God of Stone. Our lives are rocky paths in which we must climb." -Mhalacious Sraan-Hav'roth
Bow 09/28/2009 02:20 PM CDT
Can the BOW verb please be expanded?

- Simon
Re: Bow 09/28/2009 03:22 PM CDT
>>Can the BOW verb please be expanded?

Please? Along the lines of the curtsy expansion.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy