Just wanted to take a moment to give you guys a pat on the back
12/19/2016 08:49 AM CST
these guys have a rich depth of character and have built the characters with a unique flair and personality. At the same time they seem to always draw others into the plot lines they are engaged in. They manage to be inclusive and reach other to other players without get them involved without breaking character or as a result some of the player run "events" that they put on or contribute to make things more enjoyable for everyone involved.
Pfanston- The kind tree hugger with a heart of gold. Always quick to help organize or aid in defense or help someone through a tough quest <especially rez> but in general spends so much helping the community. People kind of flock to him during times of distress like the leather is a tin suit! He is the kind guy who always takes to time out to help someone understand an issue and help them overcome it. Love the rich depth of the character and consistent role play style. You do very well at turning small events, plots, or even quest that would be nightmare to get through at times, into small or large events that stick with the players and build memories.
Skaen- The old moonmage who has inhaled a little bit to much mana at times. Always testing something, always researching magic or something. Kind of like the good hearted old wizard you sometimes wonder what is he going to do next. Always quick to help those in need or move groups around and help during times of trouble. You have a style all your own but it never stops surprising you. During invasions you can usually count on him to gate in when things go bad and bring much needed help. He has helped so many people so often that he has fiercely loyal friends in spite of his quirks. He always seems to draw people in to any event or plot which is a good thing.
Love the inclusive style you guys have and the way your characters are both charismatic and consistent to character you have chosen to make them into. NICE WORK.
Re: Just wanted to take a moment to give you guys a pat on the back
12/19/2016 08:59 AM CST
I think commending people for their roleplay and community involvement is the best sort of posting.
+1 you two.
Re: Just wanted to take a moment to give you guys a pat on the back
12/20/2016 09:50 AM CST
I've never had much interaction with Pfanston, but Skaen is good people for sure.
Monster Elec
You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
Monster Elec
You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.