Sepharus 07/31/2012 02:24 PM CDT

meant to post this earlier but just got around to it. A well done for the interactions the other evening...just some good old fashion menacing and hide and go seek with some zombies and constructs thrown in. No mass killing or anything just some fun. I really enjoyed the in and out from the bannered room, almost like a game of deaths and good conversation and teasing. Kudos to you.

Re: Sepharus 08/01/2012 04:07 PM CDT
He can be fun to conflict with if you're not the reporting sort, but I don't know if I would nominate him for a "roleplaying" commendation!
Re: Sepharus 08/01/2012 10:59 PM CDT

well it was a lifetime acheivment award thing....just that one night