I would just like to extend my gratitude to all of the people, players and GMs alike, that have been contributing to and running events lately.
The Lyras event has been amazingly fun and the GMs running it are doing an absolutely fantastic job. The characters are engaging and entertaining, the lore being released is interesting, the flow of the event has been slow and steady to give everyone a shot at involvement, and the fighting portions have been accessible to most characters.
A lot of players have risen magnificently to the occasion by running their own events and reaching out to others to get them involved. From the prayer vigils to the undead kill-a-thons to the weekly temple defense recharging, it's been a pretty great time to be an eventer.
I just wanna say thanks to everyone because I don't think it gets said enough.
Rev. Reene
The black panther growls, "Are you blind Tachid? Kill Caelumia."
Tachid says, "SHE HAS BLUE FIRE"