"Memories" 07/31/2017 08:04 PM CDT
Oldest memory: somewhere around 352, buying some sort of plated gauntless with Trothfang symbols on them from Keffron, who became a friend, around circle 3-4. (Though there's a vague memory of ship rats before that).


Relentless slaughter of swamp trolls.

Eagerly awaiting the alterers' lists to open.

The whole tangled web of events involving Ralel, culminating giving testimony against him in court (in Leth was it? Or...). Orodreth and folks, where are ya?

Crossing being conquered and slowly retaking it. Possibly part of the above.

Bidding on an alteration to help rebuild Crossing Temple.

Relentless slaughter of adan'f blood warriors with the barb squad (Mer-tog, Ramirez, etc etc etc, where are ya?)

So many memories....
Re: "Memories" 07/31/2017 08:21 PM CDT
>Crossing being conquered and slowly retaking it. Possibly part of the above.

The Gorbesh war, the kidnapping of Wren, the destruction of the Crossing Temple.

>Bidding on an alteration to help rebuild Crossing Temple.

Turning in gathered Temple tiles for a shrine in the new one.

Yep, lots of memories.

Welcome back!

Re: "Memories" 08/01/2017 03:51 PM CDT
This sparked a vague memory so I went digging in old boxes. I found three binders with DR stuff, going all the way back to 3rd circle. Includes logs of some of the Ralel business (when we were concerned with the Teiro prophecy, I think), a word printout with my prepared testimony, and various snippets of interactions from other logs. How about that...
Re: "Memories" 08/01/2017 09:49 PM CDT

Ha! I checked, and in my binder of 'silly obsessions from gradeschool' includes a print out of a run in with Lord Strom from Gemstone, pre-migration.
Re: "Memories" 08/02/2017 06:08 PM CDT
Heh. GS was a bit before my time. I played GS3 a bit, but an RL friend convinced me to try DR instead. Then I was hooked.

I recall liking the difference between seeing rolls/numbers (GS3) and the layered verbiage of DR.
Re: "Memories" 08/02/2017 07:33 PM CDT
>Oldest memory: somewhere around 352, buying some sort of plated gauntless with Trothfang symbols on them

I got these when they were initially sold. Still have them and STILL wear them sometimes. Good memory!

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: "Memories" 08/05/2017 06:35 PM CDT
Hanging out on the top floor of the original Warmie guild, back when most guilds actually used their guild-only areas to hang out.

When low-skilled pick-pockets were a common nuisance in and around Crossing, and when Paladins could perma-stun them so as to lecture them on the error of their ways.


When the four 'new' races were added, and complaining alongside others who thought that Rakash/Prydaen were too hokey and wondering whether Kaldar should be considered a separate 'race' at all from Human.

Getting stuck in Aesthene's Close as a newbie, before maps and secrets were readily available on the internet.

The whole Rangers vs Thieves drama that went on for a really long time.

The first time I got in trouble with the Paladin guild as a Paladin, and the ensuing mapless adventure to Throne City to save my standing with the guild. Took a few real life days to figure out the journey and what to do.

Being like 14 years old when DR adopted the subscription model, and being so impatient for summer to come so I could get a job and start playing again.

A little article about DR back when graphical MMOs were just becoming a thing. In it the interviewer was asking them about "mobs" and the developers at the time replied something along the lines of how they don't think of them as mobs just to kill and loot endlessly, but rather that they were trying to make believable NPCs. Something along those lines, anyway. Man, I had forgotten all about that. The article was highlighting the differences of design-philosophy behind DR versus most other similar games, which at the time were focused primarily on figuring out how to nail that dungeon/raid casino experience. DR was, at the time, always more focused on developing an RP-heavy experience, or tabletop-lite experience.

The CHOKE command, wishing it wasn't just for Barbarians, and having a lot of fun squeezing the heads off of musk hogs.
Re: "Memories" 08/07/2017 10:16 AM CDT
>Hanging out on the top floor of the original Warmie guild, back when most guilds actually used their guild-only areas to hang out.

My character would love to hang out in the Trader's guild or Raven's Court more often. Any ideas on how to get more characters to hang out there? Or, is the cause lost?
Re: "Memories" 08/07/2017 03:34 PM CDT
It might be a lost cause, but here are some things you could try:

- Choose a nice looking room, ideally with some free food/drinks. Good mana levels are nice too. For your purposes it might be nice to avoid areas where foraging/collecting is possible, so as to reduce scroll of people doing that.
- Advertise yourself there in a way that makes it clear you're present and available for talking/RP. Also advertise that you're willing to teach. Make sure you give SUPER CLEAR directions for how to get to you.
- Provide other services, via yourself or others, such as healing and box-popping.
- Ideally have a plan in place for removing people who just come to sit and script without responding to anyone.

Basically, if you could create a place where people would actually be available to talk to each other, that would be a valuable thing. The main problem I see is that if you do it within a guild and you're not there to make sure people get in, it can't continue when you're not around. Making the idea work would be a serious undertaking, but doable if you can tackle the problems.

- Navesi
Re: "Memories" 02/20/2018 12:17 PM CST
...late '90s when the Heralds made an appearance in the Aesthene's Close transporter room to announce that magic was going to be shut off for months and months because Elanthia had offended the Gods.