Zovyn and Snare 10/25/2012 01:11 AM CDT
I just wanted to put in a good work for posterity's sake. These folks were my heroes when I first started way back before snowbeasts. I have been gone on and off and have had well over a hundred lowbies over the years. I really enjoy the first ten to twenty circles before it becomes a daily grind. So I can't even remember my early characters' names back when it took months to make tenth circle, but I can still remember after nearly fifteen years the effect these two had on me through their willingness to help younger folks and competence.

My first serious character was a gnome ranger and I remember Snare always lending encouragement and being one of the legendary short bow users back when fifty ranks was godlike. Zovyn was the legendary archer of the time with ranks in the 90s in longbow reachable in a couple weeks now but this was back when hlc's had to lie down in crocodiles and make eye shots to learn at all past a certain point. He was tops in both long bow and short bow in the days before scripting and lived the ranger life through and through. The old Lang ranger guild used to have several of his archery trophies. Anyways, sorry for rambling but just wanted to throw a couple of names out there that may be forgotten today but made a tremendous impact on players of my time. It used to be a massive accomplishment to reach fifteenth circle in any guild but rangers were extraordinarily difficult and the GM was something of a masochist! And then there was Wyeth, the first rezzing cleric... a nearly unimaginable feat back then...
Re: Zovyn and Snare 10/25/2012 03:07 AM CDT
I remember Snare. Wow, memories.

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Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Zovyn and Snare 10/25/2012 03:59 AM CDT
Just a short Snare story, that halfling ranger was always willing to show someone new to the area around, although sometimes you didn't survive, but exploring with him was an adventure in itself. He gave myself and a barbarian a tour of Aesry, including the wir dinegos which inhabited the graveyards. Aesry had just been "discovered", and I followed close behind, and managed to survive, letting Snare take on the monster with his bow. The barbarian who was with us wasn't so lucky. But we had fun!

-schvartz's puppetteer-

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Zovyn and Snare 03/07/2014 08:48 PM CST

I remember Zovyn and Snare. Snare was forever dragging me around, getting me lost as a young ranga and getting me dead. All the while making me laugh. Zovyn was the one who always seemed to drag my dead body around. I miss these two terribly. Good times not forgotten. The realms would be a better place if they were still with us. Zovyn, for the record, did come back for a while ...