My personal hero's 05/18/2004 12:43 PM CDT
Jerevth- He is awesome in the war effort and a good friend.

Lionjester- If i had a plat for every time she saved my hide I would be RICH. not to mention one of the best IG sisters a guy could have.

Ryeka- She always has a kind word for everyone and is always there to offer helpful advice.

Blasword- One of the best Role Players i have had the pleasure to interact with. Not to mention all around fun to hang out with.

Madigan- The name pretty much say everything the paladain guild stands for.

Lagerby- He is like the backbone of the Cleric's guild and one really wise old dwarf.<just don't offer to cover his bar tab>
Re: My personal hero's 05/18/2004 12:55 PM CDT
:;blushes at Cadderlly::


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: My personal hero's 05/18/2004 05:04 PM CDT
*Alaxnder- Gentle leader and the guy Jerevth looks up to. A natural leader
*Lionjester- Cadd covered some great points- She can bend the Baron's ear and get him to use tactics rather than bulling into the frey.
*Ryeka- she's got info and facts and always willing to help the younger characters. And she's delving into every aspect of RP she can.
*Julliete- keeps my temper at ease and deals with my bouts. She's also been phenominal in recruiting, keeping people cheerful, and being honest.
*Aedem- knows his nautical terminology and was a riot to watch Minos (My fam) and he interact.
*Laarth- Another natural leader and brilliant in his RP. Good man and it's an honor to fight alongside.
*Too many other people: Cadderrly, Shalade, Harome, Kelyan, Bevor, Janalynn...

I'm just trying to keep up with them!


Nodwick: "Okay... this is ominous."
Yeagar:"If "ominous" means something that makes you "*need to change your shorts*", then I've learned a new word."
(Moments later) I think I just "ominoused" myself.
Re: My personal hero's 05/18/2004 05:50 PM CDT
Julliete- keeps my temper at ease and deals with my bouts. She's also been phenominal in recruiting, keeping people cheerful, and being honest.

Yes, and let's not forget how magnificent she is at shanghaing old empathic friends! Julles is my hero for about a thousand reasons!

Jere is kinda cute. < pushes at Julles >

Lionjester know.

In fact, all of Haven (and especially the militia) are outstanding individuals. They've certainly made my return a welcome one and life is infinitely more...interesting...because of them.


"We rose up swimmers in a shadowy dream...who didn't need to breathe."
Re: My personal hero's 05/18/2004 06:44 PM CDT
Many people I love in DR.

Nighjel who is about the most patient understanding person I know. I love him to death and he is one of my favorite people in DR and in RL.

Alaxndr is very special to me will always hold a dear place in my heart.

Cadderrly I have the upmost respect for

Mystyrain and Leelah LOL what can I say, my 2 bestest friends and get to listen to me whine.

Lionjester who is so fair and calm in every situation.

Raimbaut and Shalade who have saved my butt time and time again.

Trebber who always makes me smile

And of course Jerevth who I think is simply amazing and I love so dearly

I know i'm gonna leave some out, but there are so many.....


Self-pity is one of the most unhappy and consuming defects that we know. It is a bar to all spiritual progress and can cut off all effective communication with our fellows because of its inordinate demands for attention and sympathy. It is a maudlin form of martyrdom, which we can ill afford.
Re: My personal hero's 05/19/2004 12:06 AM CDT
Well I can't just sit here and take all this praise without giving some back...

Julliete - Possibly one of the most caring individuals I know, she would do virtually anything for one of her friends, even if it meant dying. She's always saying hello to everyone over the gweth and keeping up with everyone.

Jerevth - Oh what can I say? Jerevth is one of those who tries to take on the whole world just to help people out. Whether it means jumping in front of a war mammoth or simply helping out a friend in need of money, he's always there.

Athanasius - Great friend IG and IRL. Good to hunt with, talk with and just goof off with, he's a really good guy.

Hippogrif - Not around anymore, but one of my best friends back in the day. He's another one who really cared about you, no matter what.

Bedwin - A very old friend who has been and still is very dear to me, possibly one of the goofiest Empaths I know but also one of the best.

Sircha - Havn't seen her in a while, but a great Bard friend. Had some really good invasion times with her.

I've really enjoyed getting to know the people in the Baron's Own. Harome, Cadderrly, Lionjester, Samsaren and Magrid are a few to list off. I wouldn't have anyone else by my side in battle.

Probably left some out, but I appreciate you all immensly and you have touched my heart in a special way.

-Lt. Alaxndr
"A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His words speak only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked."
Re: My personal hero's 05/29/2004 09:39 AM CDT
<<Lagerby- He is like the backbone of the Cleric's guild and one really wise old dwarf.<just don't offer to cover his bar tab>>>

Hear hear Cadderly...Lagerby is amazing, such longevity and stick-to-itiveness, truly the bloke is a juggernaut.
