Deserves recognition! 05/16/2004 07:53 AM CDT
One person I can think of that always makes you feel good no matter your current mood is Trebber...that lowly mage. grins He always has a kind word, intellectual thoughts.....and even and occassional naughty one! He's helpful and a great guy to be around.

Yeh Trebber!!

Jensene....Chocolate Witch
Re: Deserves recognition! 05/16/2004 08:28 AM CDT
Well said, Jensene! Trebber certainly brought a few smiles to my face during the last few dark days in Shard.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Deserves recognition! 05/16/2004 05:09 PM CDT
You honor me with your words, m'ladies. But there are those who are much more deserving than I.

Trebber, the blushing, lowly mage