Dryzt 03/11/2004 05:26 PM CST
He doesn't even read these boards but I wanted to post about him.

Dryzt is a very patient, intelligent, and dependable person. I have great respect for him. He doesn't spout off information unless he's tested it for himself. He doesn't go out of his way to involve himself in gossip. He's always there for his friends.

My character has looked up to him for years now and he's never changed. I think he deserves praise so I'm giving it. <Even tho I Know he'd hate this if he read it :P>
Re: Dryzt 04/04/2004 03:28 AM CDT
Yeah, Huzzah for Dryzt!


"Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact."
Re: Dryzt 05/05/2004 01:41 PM CDT
Too bad he doesnt have the imagination to have a unique name.

sorry, just hate people who cant think of the most basic thing in an rp game
a name.