Averalaan's praise and thanks to Codiax, Bessarion & Kalixor 06/24/2003 10:01 AM CDT
For all that the three of you did to assist her in her time of need, when the great boot found her and left her for dead and the gods site would not let her reappear to reclaim her items...

She cannot say thank you enough, there are no words to express her heartfelt gratitude to the three of you that ensured that all that was hers was returned to her.

I praise your honor and integrity

(smooches) Averalaan Armarelas
Re: Averalaan's praise and thanks to Codiax, Bessarion & Kalixor 06/24/2003 11:44 AM CDT
She is a run-by kisser, she is in my thoughts, and now she is in my reading list.

Take care, Lady Averalaan. May the gods watch over your journeys.
