Fuzzies... 03/22/2003 09:02 PM CST
I usually don't post fuzzies in DR Prime because I didn't start playing Prime again until recently. So if there is a fuzzies folder, then move this post there.

I'd just like to give specific thanks to Sophrona and Verbal who got me back on my feet tonight. But I'd also like to thank all the empaths and clerics (and paladins) who help others during invasions.

Many times during invasions, things go so fast...a drag, mems protected, and a glyph...depart...you don't see who did what. Some don't even think about it. I don't think many of the clerics, paladins, or empaths expect you to think about it during these times. But I'd like to say Kudos to those who do come out to help!

So cheers! Clerics, Empaths, and Paladins are my heros!
