kokem is my hero! 03/02/2003 08:46 PM CST
kokem is my hero is so cool, hes the best gooo kokem!
Re: kokem is my hero! 03/03/2003 12:19 AM CST
Are we thinking about the same Kokem, here? I'm not sure even Kokem think's he's a hero.
Re: kokem is my hero! 03/03/2003 03:43 AM CST
~kokem is my hero is so cool, hes the best gooo kokem!~

This guy is probably Kokem.

Where is the fun in being safe?
Re: kokem is my hero! 03/03/2003 12:31 PM CST
Yeah, I think so too. And that's why it's funnier to think that Kokem's just making fun of himself, cause we all know the words Kokem and hero have to have the word "anti" between it.
Re: kokem is my hero! 03/10/2003 12:32 PM CST
>>Are we thinking about the same Kokem, here?<<

I took out Kokem.. (with a Sand Sprite box)

Re: kokem is my hero! 03/13/2003 08:34 AM CST
Whoo!!! Go you. Take him out.