There is clearly something wrong with me. I know this, you know this (you being the people reading this), pretty much everyone knows this. But that is not what this message is about.
I, Kyodan MacDarragh, had returned to this land of Elanthia to acknowledge the passing of both my birth mother, Syance MacDarragh, and her beautiful soul, my friend forever, Laurie. I was hoping there would be a public funeral given by the Gods of Elanthia. I am aware one is in the works, but, alas, my time run up. I was able to donate one month to grieve and bring her spirit in this land she loved. I have returned to FORFEDHDAR, which was her favorite place to be many years ago, and from there, I shall depart this world, again....actually this MIGHT be my third or fourth time I said "Gotta go" but this one is permanent (or until I win $100,000, which would be about 500 plat kroners in Crossing).
Okay, seriously. I never actually planned to return to Dragonrealms any time soon. When I was informed of the player of Syance's passing, I gave myself one month. Its all the time (aka money) I could devote to saying farewell to a place that was her second home. Despite the MANY people who dislike me, the character, OR me, the player (I get it. My liver doesn't like me either and I don't drink alcohol) Dragonrealms has and always will be a second home to me. I mean, it has Pfanston in it. How can I NOT like it? But, as I stated, I must leave. Today, the day I write this, is basically my last day before my account closes. To celebrate my departure, Kyodan will be dying in Apes, hopefully after his limbs have been ripped off.
So, goodbye again to those who care. You can still reach me by my im if you just want to say hi. And I wish to address something that a few people (don't worry, not naming you) have been accusing me of. I, the player of Kyodan, do not play ANY other characters, no matter what you may think. I will not deny that the person who does play a character that some people think I am, is a relation (in rl) of mine. HOWEVER, that does NOT make them ME. Give the character, and player, a chance to do their own thing. Please. Our time on this planet is short. There is enough hate in this world. Don't bring it into Elanthia. RP hate is okay though.
I guess its time to leave (though my next act will be to go into apes). I do hope to one day return, and to see my dr friends again. Farewell, Laurie/Syance/Saphryna, your beautiful soul will always shine in Dragonrealms and in life.
Bye everyone else and, um, well, do as the song I am currently listening too says to do: Beware of the Blob.