F2P trolls 12/05/2016 10:46 PM CST
Whelp, it seems to be happening. 3 popped into a gathering tonight with 4chan esque behavior. They 'disappeared' almost immediately after their offending remark/behavior, but I'm wondering if there's anything the players can do to help?
Re: F2P trolls 12/06/2016 06:15 AM CST
Ignore them and hope that eventually the sad lonely children will grow bored with their infantile antics.

Re: F2P trolls 12/06/2016 09:50 AM CST
IC: THUMP and SHUN are about all you have available to your character to deal with this. Thump will shut them up while shun will reduce their abilities to use some commands, I don't remember exactly which ones or if they're significant enough to stop anything.

OOC: REPORT is the ticket here, but if they're logging out so quickly, it'd be hard for a GM to impact them in the immediate sense. I suppose if enough reports came in about the same characters then they could get a lock out on those accounts, but the people playing them would probably just make new accounts and keep doing whatever they're doing.

Other than that, Samsaren's player is right. Ignoring them will at least show that you're not willing to be party to the disturbance or contribute to it in any way.

The Kasto mimic abruptly solidifies, looking very much like Kasto.
You say, "What a handsome fellow you are!"
Re: F2P trolls 12/06/2016 11:00 AM CST

All three of the characters disappeared moments after their first obviously policy breaking action, so I can only assume that GMs are aware of the situation and were monitoring all new characters created moments after acting on the last one.

By in large people seemed to ignore the person, and REPORT I guess. It just seems kind of sucky, and it's a shame that the best solution is to just wait for the troll to get bored and leave.
Re: F2P trolls 12/06/2016 11:22 AM CST

Engaging is never, ever worth it. It turns a few minutes of having to talk to someone unpleasant into hours.

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."
Re: F2P trolls 12/13/2016 01:49 PM CST
Chiming in a little late - but if you REPORT, GMs who aren't buried in code can see that.

So yes, please REPORT.

Doing stuff