Dazed, lost, lonely and confused! 03/27/2016 03:38 AM CDT
The realms' long lost beloved bardess, Jolina has returned to find herself in surroundings that are familiar yet strange, empty of the people she once knew and unable to do many of the basic tasks she once took for granted.

She's now seeing the lands with fresh, childlike eyes and she could use support, a guide, a friend.

If you see her wandering around Crossings, be kind and take time to say hello.

(Feel free to IM aesedai25, if you'd like to meet IG)
Re: Dazed, lost, lonely and confused! 03/27/2016 06:19 PM CDT
Welcome back! If you need any help with Barding, feel free to IM me at NavesiDR.

- Navesi
Re: Dazed, lost, lonely and confused! 03/27/2016 07:15 PM CDT
Hey, it's that person!

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.