NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 04:18 AM CST

Hello. Well, you've seen those people who wear tons of dragon stuff. You might even call them dragon fanatics. Even though my characer may wear lotsa dragon stuff, this is NOT what I'm talking about.

Ok, you know those dragon priest fanatics in Shard? My character, A Kaldar, is basicly that. He is a dragon fanatic who believes that one day the dragon will rise from its slumber to cleanse the world of all, except its followers of course.

I've been trying to cook up the right character for this, and now I think I have. He's only started in his guild and right now, my DR time is split in half down the line.

My character is sort of cold when it comes to encounters with other people. He'll only speak to them if he has to and sometimes he sounds demanding. He views others as lesser people unless he finds out they share his beliefs of the dragon.

So, what I want, are other dragon fanatics to keep my character company. I dont mind the circle, just someone to RP with. Male or female. My character tends to like other Kaldar quicker. Anyway, send me a hollar. Oh and if you're is my character.

You are Rhyslin, a Kaldar.
You have crystal blue eyes. Your black hair is very long and fine, and is worn tied back in a thin braided tail. You have tanned skin.
You are clean shaven.
You are in good shape.

You are wearing a thick cotton loincloth embroidered with tiny dragons, a supple leather belt buckled with a stylized dragon's head, a dark blue ankle sheath bearing a black stylized dragon, a rough leather thigh bag tooled with a sleeping baby dragon, an embossed greatsword sheath, a sturdy leather backpack tooled with a dragon curled in sleep on the flap, a blue gem pouch, a short bow and a kite shield.


Player of Rhyslin
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 07:46 AM CST
Dragons and Kaldar...Dragons and Kaldar...You should do yourself a favor and read the Religion in Gorbesh Society book.

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 11:08 AM CST
>Dragons and Kaldar...Dragons and Kaldar...You should do yourself a favor and read the Religion in Gorbesh Society book.

Hehe. What Laarth said.


"...someone will find offense in the smallest of words and the most innocent of sentences if it suits their purpose." --- GM Jzara
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 05:25 PM CST
<< Dragons and Kaldar...Dragons and Kaldar...You should do yourself a favor and read the Religion in Gorbesh Society book. >>

A lesson learned on the Rakash boards: all members of the same race have to think the same way, or believe the same thing. He wants to stray from the norm, more power to him, as long as he roleplays it out well.

--Asilir Schiesty--
Karavirs del Coshivi, turinstil awksa Enelne fawriliva, drikstet Mrod davinat ran sfek.
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 05:28 PM CST
<< all members of the same race have to think the same way, >>

Err... do not have to think the same way. Sheesh, should click "preview" next time. ;)

--Asilir Schiesty--
Karavirs del Coshivi, turinstil awksa Enelne fawriliva, drikstet Mrod davinat ran sfek.
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/15/2004 09:47 PM CST
>>Err... do not have to think the same way. Sheesh, should click "preview" next time. ;)

Wasn't my intention. Just thought that if he is all up on dragons and the world dragon, would do him good to see how dragons figured into Albarian theology. He could even develop his ideas further if he cared to.

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/16/2004 12:55 AM CST
Ok. So where can I find the book on Gorbesh Society? Been looking for it.

Nishu just flew through the area, flying by on his red carpet.

You blink.

You scratch your head.
Re: NEED: Dragon Fanatics 01/16/2004 06:58 AM CST
Religion in Gorbesh Society can be read here...

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy