Out of subject, I'd like to say I'm starting to get a LITTLe bit back into DR every week. (Yes, this is Surisa's big bro) and will soon begin to tain him.
Back to the subject.
My main character, Tallen, has gotten married! (hurray) and not only that, his wife has given birth to twins, one boy and one girl. The boy will be played by myself when he grows up, but we're trying to find someon to play the girl. I'm looking for someone who will RP a Rakash girl, a toddler (Age 5 - 7 most likely), who will spend a LOT of time in game (mostly with her mother) and will be inclined to becoming a magic user, most likely an empath. (No flaming about age, please.) If anyone is interested, send a pidgeon to either Hiiko Seijurou (Tallen, Father) or to Hikarichan20 (Solaina, mother. Sorry if I got SN wrong). I am on most of the time from 3PM Eastern. If not, feel free to leave an e-mail at HiikoSeijurou@Hotmail.com. Hope to hear from ya.
PS: You WILL be able to choose the name and most of the look. All that is set is hair colore (blonde) and eye color (Crystal blue). The only thing for the name is that is must begin with an A. The skin collor must not be darker than tanned.