Family name... 10/19/2004 02:20 PM CDT
Okay, so I don't want to join somebody else's family, can I just have my own family name? If so, how do I get it without rerolling?


Opieus ~ Human Warrior Mage
Re: Family name... 10/19/2004 02:47 PM CDT
Last names are currently not available at this time.

I don't know if they're planning to re-release them, or what. But I've heard they're goint to allow last-name-sharing at some point in time, but who knows when that'll be.

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Family name... 10/19/2004 03:37 PM CDT
Last names will be much different when they come back. You can lock your last name so no one else can use it. You can unlock your name just for people you approve of. You can unlock your name to anyone who wants to use it. You can change your last name at the town hall (or something). Any updates on a timeframe for this, Solomon? Or maybe just what's ahead of or behind it?


"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
Re: Family name... 10/19/2004 03:46 PM CDT
Oh, and you can choose to display or hide them. I miss anything?


"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."