Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/08/2004 02:09 AM CDT
Hello, I am looking for a family for my secondary character. (Even though he's secondary, I use him frequently.) He roleplay him to be no older than 10 years old. He is a Rakash who joined the Warrior Mages for the safety of a guild. He has amber hair, a blue eye and a green one, and is decently armored in leather. His name is Lethonel, if you wish ti find out more about him, send me a message on AIM at Hiiko Seijurou.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/08/2004 05:28 AM CDT
Bah, the warrior mage guild wouldn't take a child of 10 years into their ranks! Trust me, i've a rakash played as a 12 year old, and they said come back in a decade :P

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/08/2004 09:57 AM CDT
Heh, well when I made the character, I chose the youngest age possible, which is 15. And that's when he joined.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/09/2004 05:16 AM CDT
Everyone should be able to pick age. I don't understand why it has to be a premium perk, you choose every other part of your characters looks.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/10/2004 12:11 AM CDT
They just have to dig up little random things to give to premie people as perks. shrugs

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/10/2004 02:38 AM CDT
They just have to dig up little random things to give to premie people as perks. >>

Probably because they pay for those perks.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/10/2004 06:07 PM CDT
Which most of the perks are... nevermind, I'm just going to hold my tongue on my opinion of perks.

But the age picking should be available to all, as it hinders roleplay to not be able to roll your character and make them the age that you want them to be. ::shrugs::

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/11/2004 01:00 AM CDT
First, Lethonel, no offense but I am tired of hearing you repeatedly ask, you don't need to be so desperate for a 'family'. Keep an open mind and something will come up.

>But the age picking should be available to all

I really don't like that it's an option to anyone. I don't like it mainly because the majority of people that choose to be as old as you can choose to be when you walk out of the CM have no clue as to any of the history of their newly chosen race (from what I have seen). For example, I am sure that there is more than one Rakash out there 'in their prime' that claims to not understand the Rakash language, when, according to how 'old' they are, they would have come from the migrations; and not been born in the East. (Lethonel could have easily been born in the East, though.)

Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/11/2004 06:03 AM CDT
I thought rakash didn't appear 'in their prime' until way way way older anyway (which is crazy, i know, since they have the shortest lifespan). But I was pretty sure, as a rakash, i saw someone who 'appears to be a pack-hunter for a rakash' and I looked at him with a non rakash, and he appeared young for a rakash.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/12/2004 11:16 PM CDT
>I really don't like that it's an option to anyone. I don't like it mainly because the majority of people that choose to be as old as you can choose to be when you walk out of the CM have no clue as to any of the history of their newly chosen race (from what I have seen). For example, I am sure that there is more than one Rakash out there 'in their prime' that claims to not understand the Rakash language, when, according to how 'old' they are, they would have come from the migrations; and not been born in the East. (Lethonel could have easily been born in the East, though.)

I don't like how you can roll out at 40+ years old, either. I'd be nice to have the ages dropped down, allowing you to roll from like.. say.. 10-15 to 25 or so. Reasonable ages where someone would show interest in joining a guild, or making their way to crossing.

Even though 10-15 is fairly young, there are quite a few people out there who do RP children, and RP having children, so it'd be nice to be able to roll them out at younger ages for play. But perhaps not allow them to join a guild untill they are 13, give or take.

The thoughts are just endless.

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/13/2004 02:38 PM CDT
>Even though 10-15 is fairly young, there are quite a few people out there who do RP children, and RP having children, so it'd be nice to be able to roll them out at younger ages for play. But perhaps not allow them to join a guild untill they are 13, give or take.

I give this a 9.95 on the cool scale. I wish simu would take the path of sony (even though they do with the rate hikes, for sure, SWG came out at $14.95 from sony, simu follows with a rate hike 3 months later, just like when everquest went $12.95, prices here raised 2 months later). When sony updates and patches their games (everquest, more often than the other ones) nowadays, within the last few months, they've always got..


Listed on the patch messages, and at the bottom

~* Denotes a change requested by the players.

It would be doubly awesome if simu started granting the players what they wanted and requested, instead of following someone's 'vision' for the game, even if it conflicted with what everyone else thought would be nice.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/14/2004 12:03 PM CDT
If I recall my history classes right, children as young as 6-8 were sent off to foster parents to serve as pages, apprenticed, placed in the church as novices (I think they were called) Basically, when you became old enough to be trainable, the training for your adult life began. This carried over to our society as the time when we put children in elementary school typically. So, I do not understand why we can not role up characters that are that young. I assume it is that to be realistic they would have to have size and build descriptors have an effect. Of course with the number of people having size and build shifts, that is not a bad idea. In addition, I assume that they would have to put in code that actually aged people until they hit a certain age, say 15, and changed their size and build descriptions. Since they told us no one would die of old age, this might be a bit hard to do.

Mists and Magic, Ocean Breazes, Deep Rivers Under the Sea, Trails Between the Stars: Where nothing is as it seems.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/14/2004 12:12 PM CDT
Why doesn't the CM allow you to play a child? The answer, if you think about it, comes down to liability.

DR has warnings in its terms of services about children playing the game. Overall, there is no reason a 12 year old should not be able to roll up a character and run around, as long as thier parent takes an active role in what they are doing.

Now, allow some adult to roll up a 12 year old, and have the 12 year old attempt to go to an inn with another character, and we have stepped in to a gray area concerning morals. Regardless of the age of the players, the character ages would not be morally suitable (in the current real world environment from which the players stem) for this to occur. You also have the other possibilities concerning the possiblilities of a 50th circle 12 year old and a 10th circle 50 year old. A smaller problem, but one that, if every 12 year old was so gifted, would skew the roleplay envoronment.

Now, checks and balances could be put in to place, No circling above circle X until you are of the proper age, no entering inn rooms until age X, etc...

However, how many folks, after say, 2 months of dealthing with those restrictions, would then demand thier removal, as they now want to play someone very mature for thier age?

Basically it comes down to folks will RP the age they see fit, regardless of the CM. Heck, they do it al the time with elves/humans and other races that, by SIMU release, are NOT sexually compatible. I know there are folks playing half-elves as they are from D&D, and not as they really are in DR. Same thing, different qulifier.

Of course, I could be way off base.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/14/2004 09:03 PM CDT
I... don't really see why a young character walking into an Inn would be that much of a problem. Yes, a child should not be in a place like that. To me though, that's really just a set up for some RP.

"The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless."
Some physicist whose name I can't remember
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/15/2004 02:51 AM CDT
>Now, allow some adult to roll up a 12 year old, and have the 12 year old attempt to go to an inn with another character, and we have stepped in to a gray area concerning morals. Regardless of the age of the players, the character ages would not be morally suitable (in the current real world environment from which the players stem) for this to occur.

Your argument is nullified by the fact that anyone can roll up a just turned 15

'You are 15. You realize today is your birthday!'

And go try to find someone to boink in an inn. How does 3 years make a huge difference on the morality scale?

The only 'issue' i'd see with giving younger ages, is rolling up something younger than 8 or 9 on the 'human' scale. Because a rough kid, can survive on their own (and oftentimes have to, in some third world countries) at that age if they have to, but anything younger is pretty much doomed.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/15/2004 07:24 AM CDT
I am not bringing my moral views in to it, merely what could be spun out of context to the media. I never said 15 was an acceptable or unacceptable age range, in fact, personally, I really do not care. I am just pointing out various reasons that Simutronics may not be offering a younger age for characters, from my point of view.

>>I... don't really see why a young character walking into an Inn would be that much of a problem. Yes, a child should not be in a place like that. To me though, that's really just a set up for some RP.

While you do not see an issue, have some person in the media get ahold of it and cause bad publicity for Simu.

>>Your argument is nullified by the fact that anyone can roll up a just turned 15

How is it nullified? 15 is older than 12. Is some magical line of accectablility passed? Prolly not, but it is indeed older. One is mid-teens, another is considered a child in all respects. I am surprised the minimum age isn't 16, a more socially acceptable age for entry in to the adult world in the United States.

But, I digress, this is a discussion, and I have no personal investment in it, please do not be angered that I disagree with you.

I agree in many respects that it should not matter and folks should be mature enough to RP whatever age they want, with support of the CM. However, I have also run in to dozens of folks over the years RPing a child, and only 2 have shown any real substance to it. The rest were just whiny and attempting to snag the attention of anyone they could, and only shut up when free stuff was lavished upon them.

Plus I refer to my older post that having a 15 year old 40th level warrior mage just does not seem to contribute in a positive manner to the roleplaying environment.

Rob the Great (Formerly and still Maxxwel the Drunk)
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/16/2004 10:55 PM CDT
Maxxwell, think of it this way. -Alot- of the people both you and I speak to in DR, just may be in DR-Dungeons, which in itself is just as disgusting as the entire child thing.

~ Renous
I must go down to the seas again
to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way
where the wind's like a whetted knife
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/17/2004 01:08 AM CDT
Being able to start at about 6 would be nice, too. They could always just put some restriction on joining the guilds untill you're the age of 15. You could still work your skills as a commoner, or what have you.

Apprenticeships would be fun to do, too, if there were mechanics in place for them. The ideas just roll out.

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/17/2004 10:02 AM CDT
>Being able to start at about 6 would be nice, too.

I can see both why it would be great and why it would really suck to be 6 years old IG, not to mention the whole issue of what would happen to a 6 year old. I would suspect that if they (simu) were going to let you be 6, that you would have to belong to a pre-determined family... in which case, why not make the age newborn? There would probably need to be an elaborate system so that you couldn't actually talk until you were 3 or 4... crying or cooing as an infant, saying partial words as a toddler, etc. But, let's say you're now 4 years old (which is roughly a RL year; right?) and neither one of your parents are around anymore, I can see how this situation would be very hard to deal with and why it's not an option. I think 15 is about the perfect age to start at.

Ebil Cleric Bambina, smiter of ungrateful corpses.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/17/2004 03:50 PM CDT
Just to add fuel to the fire...

Take a look at the world around the US and the moral highness of North American and Western Europe. It does really offend to see children carrying rifles and weapons but it has been around for ages.

I would have to imagine that the reason for the "young" ages being available, especially for premium, was at least partially for RP and partially for the reason the game is placed in a fantastic, yet pseudo-mideval-renissance type of setting. Back in the day kids did not get to sit around the house till they were 27 and play Halo. Often children would be orphaned for a variety of reasons.

The restrictions on progression due to age is a good idea along with the idea of apprenticeships. I think if the environment was more RP intensive I could see the "child" thing since the opportunity for abuse would be lessened and the "child" would be played in a setting that was structured with either a mentor or parent as a guardian.

Unfortunately this is not the case and there should be restrictions in place. I think precedent has shown is some players cannot be trusted to follow the rules of conduct. As in all things of a social nature, the few ruin/restrict it for the many.

Just an opinion, feel free not to care about it,

The fingers and mind behind Lomelinde

Fighting with a short sword, you believe that the ship's rat is a mythical being of immense power and ability.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/21/2004 02:09 AM CDT
>Plus I refer to my older post that having a 15 year old 40th level warrior mage just does not seem to contribute in a positive manner to the roleplaying environment.

I see no trouble with that. So long as he isn't another 'U WNT SPAR PNUK?!?!?!!!!@@!#212' yotionblade. A young character can walk softly, but carry some power.

What about Vorclaf's nephew or whatever? The 10 or 12 year old who could probably kill you and all your friends with his sling, if he wanted to? Yes yes, he's a 'special GM character' but still. That shows it isn't impossible for a 'child' to have knowledge of weaponry, be it mundane or arcane.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/21/2004 02:33 AM CDT
If children really apply themselves they could do some amazing things.

An appreticeship program could have some neatness to it, allowing children characters to develop and hone skills towards the guild they're looking to join, even "level" up to a certain extent.

Oh the ideas.

Player of a Prydaen Prophet.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/21/2004 02:38 AM CDT
>Oh the ideas.

Which, of course, will unfortunately never happen. Even if they did breathe longevity into the realms by allowing all these 90+ supercharacters the chance to roll up a kid and become an actual squire to a 30 something paladin. Or maybe a sort of.....i dunno, tallyman, for a blooming trader, etc. etc.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/21/2004 07:39 AM CDT
>>Yes yes, he's a 'special GM character' but still.

Thus he is not about everyday and overusing the "Super Kid" status.

I just, and it is merely my view, think that it is realistic, even in a fantasy environment, to have 12 year olds characters running around at 40th level. Granted, they would more than likely be 15 in the realms before 40th, but that is still a bit odd.

Oh well, I do not think this will ever happen, so I suppose I can rest easy.
Re: Young Rakash Seeking Family 09/22/2004 01:36 AM CDT
Yes, rest very easy, as nobody is crazy enough to spend 3000 platinum to have an empath do the work for them.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.