[01:37] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "do you wanna really keep doing this"
[01:37] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "up to you frosts you aint that tough"
[01:37] [General][Frosts] "I'm tough enough that you have to bring in a empath to try and sleep me"
[01:37] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I cant even make the wm board and I can keel you"
[01:38] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I keeled you earlier by myself"
[01:38] [General][Frosts] "big tuff Fahijeck that need a empath and a pet to even hurt me"
[01:38] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "whatever you wanna do bro you wanna go hard we can do this I love the game we are playing right now"
[01:38] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "but good luck hunting"
[01:39] [General][Frosts] "go for it"
[01:39] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "sounds like frosts is crying"
[01:40] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "go for wah"
[01:40] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I wont touch ya again unless ya come after me"
[01:41] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I was done after the first time I keeled you you kept coming"
[01:41] [General][Frosts] "this will be the last one I'll address to you, if I see you while I'm hunting I'll kill you, if you are a big bad boy stop bringing your whole dame family in a private affair"
[01:42] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "nothing private about you attacking me I keeled you after you keeled me then you came back for more not my fault eet pissed cayra off"
[01:42] [General][Cayra] "I had every right to choose to step in, after the second time you killed him."
[01:42] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "so now we are where we are at ball is in your court sir"
[01:43] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "come after me again you know what happens"
[01:43] [General][Cayra] "I normally stay outta his troubles unless I get annoyed by it."
[01:44] [General][Frosts] "god, what a bunch of idiot, so I can't defend myself when I'm attach while hunting?"
[01:44] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "you attacked me first I never attacked you G man"
[01:44] [General][Cayra] "You killed him.. he killed you back.. then you killed him again.. shoulda been done after the first round.."
[01:44] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "quit lying to yourself dude"
[01:45] [General][Frosts] "what little gnat is that that keep buzzing?"
[01:45] [General][Cayra] "Do you not math well?"
[01:45] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "well if you your feeling froggy jump I am here"
[01:45] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "dont be scared bro"
[01:45] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "you probly got wah 400 ranks on me"
[01:46] [General][Frosts] "I did not kill him, I attach him as a warning for dragging off healer tent while I was getting heal"
[01:46] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I hunt bulls hahahahaha"
[01:46] [General][Cayra] "You attacked him to death, genius"
[01:46] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "dont lie to yourself you keeled me"
[01:47] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I keeled you back you kept the whole thing going I warned you"
[01:47] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "calm down dude"
[01:47] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "just because your bigger doesnt mean you cant die"
[01:47] [General][Frosts] "what is that little gnat that can't handle his own whopping and have to call in friend and family?"
[01:48] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "says the man who just got rekt"
[01:48] [General][Sok] "I need popcorn..."
[01:48] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "was like taking candy from a baby"
[01:48] [General][Praxiuz] "my thoughts exactly Sok"
[01:48] [General][Teloc] "no popcorn but have cake"
[01:49] [General][Binu] "Get me some, and some ear muffs that work for blocking thoughts"
[01:49] [General][Praxiuz] "Cake works"
[01:49] [General][Praxiuz] "dont let this distract you that I saved 2 gold on insurance for my horse"
[01:49] [General][Sok] "I'll settle for Rum Cake"
[01:49] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "wait wah your the number 13 warmage on the boards hahahaha wah a joe"
[01:50] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "I cant even make the boards and I can keel ya"
[01:51] [General][Frosts] "wrong, he drag me out of tent, I attach him as a warning, leave him perfectly alive. It not my call that he went afk and die bleeding out, I even ask why he drag me."
[01:51] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "think dude I got logs and you jes misgwethed"
[01:52] [General][Cayra] "He still had EVERY right to kill you for attacking him"
[01:52] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "jes stop"
[01:52] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Im trying to be nice here"
[01:53] [General][Frosts] "and I have every right to kill him right back, when it became cool to bring in your family?"
[01:53] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "well bring eet"
[01:54] [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Im waiting"
[01:54] [General][Cayra] "I have every right to help my husband as well."
Why do people always cry when cayra joins the fight BEST EMPATH EVER!
" Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right... "