A thread is closed 07/25/2017 10:25 AM CDT
If you have a problem with a GM action, your recourse is to write to Feedback@simutronics.com.

The conflicts board is for respectfully conflicting with each other.

Further posts on that thread may result in disciplinary action, so let's not take it there.

Thank you.

Doing stuff
Re: A thread is closed 07/25/2017 06:25 PM CDT

Some posts were hidden.

With regards to that, it's Simutronics policy that every hidden post be followed with an e-mail. We just discovered a bug with the system which is preventing us from doing so. While we look into the issue, these e-mails will be delayed. I apologize if this causes any confusion, but in the meantime I encourage you to e-mail me at DR-HELJE@PLAY.NET if you have questions about your hidden post.

DragonRealms Senior Board Moderator