a letter for each ODS member
01/13/2019 08:25 AM CST
Greetings Brave warriors of the ODS, and also Rekon and Erixx. I would like to inform you all of my intentions following the treatment of Miss Marssi Talmuron and Myself at your recent event held in your Orders grounds.
It seems that all my hard work and flawless understanding of your Orders character defects and refusal to accept my righteous opinion regarding your uneducated and simplistic view on certain divine laws has gone unnoticed once again.
Added to this is the repeated assassination of myself and the most lovely and peaceful Marssi Talmuron. Along with being ejected from your orders grounds once from a non official order function, and recently from one of your Orders event for no reason.
While the Immortals in their divine wisdom, feel that it is important to show that on our plane there is nothing that is perfect, bestowing me with my exemplary good looks, it was necessary for Them to have me work more towards my combat skills. And knowing this the coincidence in either Rekon, Erixx or Nefarious waking up whenever myself or Marssi present ourselves is in my opinion absolutely no coincidence. There is some sorcerous work at play here. Something i will endeavor to uncover.
Having to bear the heavy burden on my impeccable modesty,forgiveness and understanding it seems that even this has not been enough to sway some of your members away from resentment and frustration of how Miss Tulmuron and myself have tried to lead the way, and carve a path toward a more amicable future for how your order should present itself.
Words of forgiveness, encouragement and acceptance of your members shortcomings just isn't enough.
So, i call upon each of you as members to speak with the above mentioned. To cease their enervate and borish treatment of myself and above all Miss Tulmuron. For you all to remind your other members of your Orders charter, and to inform them of their fatuous behavior and how each of you will tolerate it no more.
If this action isn't delivered by you all as a whole, as a hole i will treat you.
So, being the Olvi i am, i will put my halfling where your orders mouth is. And take the necessary action.
Regardless of your stance, in this matter, i will treat any actions from the above as an action from each of you members and deliver the same treatment to you.
As always.
Nothing but love
Rifkinn Shomm
(scribed below the signature is a smiley face)
Re: a letter for each ODS member
01/14/2019 08:13 AM CST
Greetings Rifkinn,
I have received and reviewed your letter. As a proud member of the Order of the Dragon Shield I wish to clarify a few things as I feel your research was inadequate.
The ODS under its current leadership is vastly different than the ODS that you may have researched in the scrolls. Like any of the Orders found in Elanthia, it has seen its fair share of good and bad leadership through the years. Speaker Mystylaine and Vice-Speaker Alymast are a refreshing and invigorating leadership composition. Together, they have fostered a community of support, purpose, and brotherhood within the ODS.
The council that is comprised of many senior ODS members as well as recent members that choose to join the ODS under the new leadership have all been exemplary of the kind of community that the Speaker and Vice Speaker have so elegantly articulated in their words, but also their actions.
In this type of community there is no room for narcissism and egomaniacs. This is a community that undoubtedly would stand beside me should an immortal, demon, or other choose to wage war on the land we call home. There are countless individuals that call the ODS their home, their order and the have all pledged their time, gifts, and talents to the betterment of the order and the community in which we humbly serve.
The list of individuals that you called out by name in your letter are admirable men that have taken the same pledge as I and have committed to uphold the vision and the purpose of the ODS. If they chose to dispatch you, then it was with good cause and you should expect the same actions from myself should you have the misfortune of crossing my path.
As you may have gleaned from this letter, your behaviors and poor self-awareness don’t exactly speak to a humble servant leader, a noble and just individual, one that willingly chooses to aid a brother or sister selflessly. Instead, it would seem that your behaviors and abilities might be best served elsewhere.
If you do not agree with me, that is your choice and frankly that isn’t of any concern to me. If for a moment you could picture yourself going to war, can you make the same claims that I have made? Can you accept that the research that you’ve done might be inaccurate? Do you wish to align yourself with an Order that fosters community, support, purpose, and brotherhood? If so, I would expect that the next letter that you pen will be that of an apology and that you would choose to dispatch your ego and your personal agenda and embrace the warmth of community that ODS offers.
Dreaderic au’Arcos
Member, Order of the Dragon Shield
I have received and reviewed your letter. As a proud member of the Order of the Dragon Shield I wish to clarify a few things as I feel your research was inadequate.
The ODS under its current leadership is vastly different than the ODS that you may have researched in the scrolls. Like any of the Orders found in Elanthia, it has seen its fair share of good and bad leadership through the years. Speaker Mystylaine and Vice-Speaker Alymast are a refreshing and invigorating leadership composition. Together, they have fostered a community of support, purpose, and brotherhood within the ODS.
The council that is comprised of many senior ODS members as well as recent members that choose to join the ODS under the new leadership have all been exemplary of the kind of community that the Speaker and Vice Speaker have so elegantly articulated in their words, but also their actions.
In this type of community there is no room for narcissism and egomaniacs. This is a community that undoubtedly would stand beside me should an immortal, demon, or other choose to wage war on the land we call home. There are countless individuals that call the ODS their home, their order and the have all pledged their time, gifts, and talents to the betterment of the order and the community in which we humbly serve.
The list of individuals that you called out by name in your letter are admirable men that have taken the same pledge as I and have committed to uphold the vision and the purpose of the ODS. If they chose to dispatch you, then it was with good cause and you should expect the same actions from myself should you have the misfortune of crossing my path.
As you may have gleaned from this letter, your behaviors and poor self-awareness don’t exactly speak to a humble servant leader, a noble and just individual, one that willingly chooses to aid a brother or sister selflessly. Instead, it would seem that your behaviors and abilities might be best served elsewhere.
If you do not agree with me, that is your choice and frankly that isn’t of any concern to me. If for a moment you could picture yourself going to war, can you make the same claims that I have made? Can you accept that the research that you’ve done might be inaccurate? Do you wish to align yourself with an Order that fosters community, support, purpose, and brotherhood? If so, I would expect that the next letter that you pen will be that of an apology and that you would choose to dispatch your ego and your personal agenda and embrace the warmth of community that ODS offers.
Dreaderic au’Arcos
Member, Order of the Dragon Shield
Re: a letter for each ODS member
01/14/2019 09:41 PM CST
Hello Rifkinn,
I wont be wasting many words on you, so this will be a short letter. I'm a bit disturbed by your claims to be monitoring my sleeping habits. Are you peeking through the window of my home at night? That's pretty creepy. I can assure you however, that I woke the other night only to co-host our order's event as scheduled; the reason you died is because you showed up to that event with the express purpose of disrupting it, and comported yourself in such a way. You have been given countless warnings in the past, so expect similar outcomes in the future. This letter is just a courtesy; I expect none of this to sink in, which should surprise no one. By the way, I have recently been made aware of some very disturbing information about you and Marssi involving a secret pact with necromancers of the worst kind, ones apparently called "the Perverse". I will be initiating a thorough investigation into these matters presently, and I pray this information turns out to be inaccurate.
I wont be wasting many words on you, so this will be a short letter. I'm a bit disturbed by your claims to be monitoring my sleeping habits. Are you peeking through the window of my home at night? That's pretty creepy. I can assure you however, that I woke the other night only to co-host our order's event as scheduled; the reason you died is because you showed up to that event with the express purpose of disrupting it, and comported yourself in such a way. You have been given countless warnings in the past, so expect similar outcomes in the future. This letter is just a courtesy; I expect none of this to sink in, which should surprise no one. By the way, I have recently been made aware of some very disturbing information about you and Marssi involving a secret pact with necromancers of the worst kind, ones apparently called "the Perverse". I will be initiating a thorough investigation into these matters presently, and I pray this information turns out to be inaccurate.
Re: a letter for each ODS member
01/16/2019 11:10 PM CST
Directed to whom I know as Dreaderic Arkarm.
Thank you for your response, whether you agree with me or not, like or hate me, I am always grateful when someone takes the time to respond to me.
I will try to put aside my usual flippant self serving banter and be as direct as you have been in your reply.
All of this between myself and members of your order stems from two main points that I and Miss Talmuron pointed out. First, your Order’s acceptance of a Necrolord, and secondly, and personally for me, the treatment that Miss Talmuron was given when she voiced her concerns.
I was pleased with your Orders reaction when they, in my opinion, realised that they may have erred by accepting and greeting the Necrolord Totenus at a Town Hall meeting. And also allowing the filth to express his opinion that he should be paid for his involvement with helping during an invasion. Therengia’s Court Historian was asked to deliver a speech to express Therengia’s opinion regarding Necromancy, and it was delivered. I showed my appreciation of this, in my own way. After this fact, for me, all was finished between myself and your order.
Regarding the treatment of Miss Talmuron..
Marssi has never once denied her past. She lives with it to this day. And most of all she has paid her debt. Furthermore, knowing her as I do, her own guilt will never fully fade with allowing herself to drift from the path of the righteous by joining a family that did some of the most unspeakable acts, not only to His Grace Barron Gyfford and Therengia, but to all provinces across Kermoria. But you would know of this full well, as you yourself were part of this family, not only carrying out some of these acts, but at times you leading them!
Miss Talmuron was, as you and the Arkarm family were, banned from Therengia. And as her eyes opened to what and where her life was leading, she made the decision to leave that family, and stand up and own what she did. She approached His Grace and respectfully asked if there was any hope of a pardon. In His Grace’s forgiveness, he placed Marssi on a probation period, that equated to years. Marssi did not just sit by and idly wait out her time. She spent her time doing what she could for Therengia, healing the injured in times of invasions, defending the Barron against anyone who spoke ill of him, and sending gifts to His Grace and betrothed - most notably a basket full of wonderful things beginning with the letter “M”. Something that Barron Gyfford enjoyed and finally led to him seeing that she had fully repented for her involvement in the actions against Therengia and her support of Necromancy.
But all of the above was not good enough for some in your Order, she was shouted down and viewed still as a troublemaker and some kind of terrorist of Theren.
All this when her actions were from being involved and supportive of a family and members like yourself and Erixx who carried out, as I said, things comparative to the most corrupt; that is Necromancy itself.
You in your letter have spoken of your own honor and that of others I mentioned. Mainly Erixx and Nefarious (by the way, speaking of Nefarious, where has he been? I haven't heard from him since his strange outburst on the Gwethdesuan)
Have either you Erixx or Nefarious paid a debt to the likes of Miss Talmuron? Have any of you been formally pardoned? And most importantly have any of you publicly apologised or owned your past behaviors as Marssi has? Does your own Order hold you accountable today as they do Miss Talmuron?
As for Rekon, well just after he assassinated Miss Talmuron, an empath who did not speak a single bad word, she put the question to him, “Why did you kill me?” His response was, “For fun mainly”. His words, not mine. Is this the man of honor you speak of? Is this not a character trait of a narcissist? I could go on to explain the racist and clearly aggressively provocative drawing he handed me, but… I think the above example speaks volumes to his character.
You spoke of certain character traits - ego and narcissism. At first I was taken aback at being called such things. But on self reflection, you are correct. These are traits within myself. I’m Olvi. Who wouldn't love such a cute, handsome Halfling as myself?
I am extremely selfish with my loyalty. I hold that very close. Very few will ever see how far that loyalty extends, and one in particular, sadly, is feeling the consequence of breaking that loyalty. I lack empathy to anything, or anyone who is involved with, or supports Necromancy. I have a sense of self entitlement to be one who will dispatch anyone who speaks out against the Gods. Something that I feel is bestowed upon me from the Immortals in my devotion to see that they are exalted with each breath. Also I have a need for admiration from those I hold in high regard, one being Miss Tulmuron, who corrects me, advises me and is a voice of sensibility that sometimes I lack through my impulsive reactions.
Since we've put our differences away once before, I'd like to move on again. We may not see eye to eye, but as long as your order remembers that necromancers are never to be counted on as allies, and that you also hold each other accountable in the same way that hold others accountable for their actions, I will have no fight with you.
As always
Nothing but love.
Rifkinn Shomm
Scribed below the signature is a smiley face