With a sigh the Elothean grumbles to himself about halfwit halflings as he draws a slight cut across his palm. He dips his quill in his own blood and begins to write on a parchment.
the parchment reads....
Dear Rifkinn Shomm,
Such a silly name for one so loud. Does thou not know when to keep his mouth shut. That you've taken the time to push to pull to claim all without a little bit of proof is all but silly words for a silly fellow. You were warned once by me, in a calming fashion for you do not know me. Yet your words flow all over spewing these false information, this insanity of nothingness this evil of lies, and yet you sit here and call others out in accounts for me? Lets be clear here little halfling sunshine. I am Totenus. I have my own path to follow, and the rules I follow are my own. To claim I was invited, to claim I was addressed with kindness, by any order is but a fools errand by a fool halfing. For making some kind of silly claim, on something you know nothing about, and ignoring my warning you will be found, you will be killed, and you will be tormented til you learn your lesson. The lesson is simple. Do not dye my name with your lies. Do not let my name slip by your lips without my permission. Do not ignore my warning when you are in the wrong.
I might be forgiving if you come forth and beg forgiveness.
If not I'll see you soon my little pet of a halfling.
rolling it up he hands it to his decent-looking associate. Nodding the associate vanishes as he goes in search of the one to deliver too.
Re: A Rifkinn Shomm Grievance
09/16/2018 09:01 AM CDT
A messenger approaches Rifkinn, taps him on the Shoulder and hands him a filthy stained piece of parchment. He opens the letter up and glances over it quickly. He scoffs and rolls his eyes as he screws the letter up and tosses it in a bin.
“Another love letter Rif”? The Halfling Lass grins at Rifkinn as hands him a glass of Lemonade.
“They just dont stop, i swear i need a Tog to carry the bag some days” Rifkinn replies with a smirk across his face. “Though this one is a little concerning, if i was to go by the handwriting, i would swear it was penned by a simpleton. It's from Totenus. “You haven't heard from him in a long time, since way before you left on your travels” says the Lass with a surprised look on her face. “Aye it has been a while. Though he seems slightly weird, musta received a hard knock to the head or something” “He claims i don't know him, he has forgotten i have had him on my list for a great many years, back when he and Fintrial caused real fear to the citizens across these lands”. Rifkinn waves his hand distractedly. “Anyway, it seems he's a tad upset about me calling him out on gweth”. “That his own name must offend him and he doesn't want me saying it anymore”. Pausing to sip his Lemonade Rifkinn continues “That’s an issue for his mom...she named him, sounds like a foot fungal disease to be honest". The Halfling Lass screws up her face in disgust while nodding. “Also and here is the most weird part, he seems to be concerned that i'm hurting the feelings of those who have wandered from the path of strict adherence to our Immortals teachings and the wishes of the Therengian Crown”. The Lass looks interested and replies “oh, the behavior and words of the Order of the Dragon Shield and its Vice Speaker has been quite dumb”. Nodding Rifkinn agrees with the Girl.
“Well… I need to be off” Rifkinn guzzles the last of his lemonade,flips a platinum coin on the bar, and starts to wander off down the road”. “Tell Marssi i said G’day. Rifkinn waves one hand up in the air in acknowledgment, not turning to show him blushing at the sound of her name.
“Another love letter Rif”? The Halfling Lass grins at Rifkinn as hands him a glass of Lemonade.
“They just dont stop, i swear i need a Tog to carry the bag some days” Rifkinn replies with a smirk across his face. “Though this one is a little concerning, if i was to go by the handwriting, i would swear it was penned by a simpleton. It's from Totenus. “You haven't heard from him in a long time, since way before you left on your travels” says the Lass with a surprised look on her face. “Aye it has been a while. Though he seems slightly weird, musta received a hard knock to the head or something” “He claims i don't know him, he has forgotten i have had him on my list for a great many years, back when he and Fintrial caused real fear to the citizens across these lands”. Rifkinn waves his hand distractedly. “Anyway, it seems he's a tad upset about me calling him out on gweth”. “That his own name must offend him and he doesn't want me saying it anymore”. Pausing to sip his Lemonade Rifkinn continues “That’s an issue for his mom...she named him, sounds like a foot fungal disease to be honest". The Halfling Lass screws up her face in disgust while nodding. “Also and here is the most weird part, he seems to be concerned that i'm hurting the feelings of those who have wandered from the path of strict adherence to our Immortals teachings and the wishes of the Therengian Crown”. The Lass looks interested and replies “oh, the behavior and words of the Order of the Dragon Shield and its Vice Speaker has been quite dumb”. Nodding Rifkinn agrees with the Girl.
“Well… I need to be off” Rifkinn guzzles the last of his lemonade,flips a platinum coin on the bar, and starts to wander off down the road”. “Tell Marssi i said G’day. Rifkinn waves one hand up in the air in acknowledgment, not turning to show him blushing at the sound of her name.