Recently I fought one of your rank, a Paladin by the name of Comfrin. In two duels he bested me, quite fairly, both times. Then afterward saw fit to attack me yet again outside of an honorable engagement.
I did slay this man for his infraction.
In return he did slay me and whilst I was being resurrected, slew me again. He then, using a technique known only to your Guild, decayed my grave and stole several items from it.
The items he stole were returned, however his decay of my grave allowed another to fill her pockets with my belongings.
He has made no amends and when I confronted the other grave robber he threatened to kill me yet again.
I ask that you not take my word on this at face value but instead question the people that were present. A beacon of truth and light he is not. Nay, even the most tactless cutpurse can claim honor above this Paladin.
Redeth mors'Fiere
Hand of the Elements,
Grand Master Warrior Mage
Warrior Mage Guild
Redeth eyed her careful lettering and read the letter outloud, smirking to herself.
It pained her to be so...respectful, this man had never done anything for her.
"With a little luck, perhaps he may." She said to herself and sealed the envelope.
>>That whole anti-stud comment doesn't apply to just the boys here. Girl gamers are just as damaged-goods as the guy-gamers are, they're just a lot more emotionally fragile about the whole thing. ~LOFTONM1