So a page of mine just delivered me a sealed letter stating how, amongst other people, I am now a fugitive of Ilithi and sought by the Great Tower's Guards. I'd just like my side of the story to be heard before you pass judgment FAR too quickly when you really should be turning your search internally for criminals.
In regards to Vigther's escape, I was simply an innocent by-stander as I witnessed him escape. Now at no point did I offer assistance to either side of those parties yet the horses' ass of a Provincial Guard Xelten proceeded to accuse, stalk and hunt me down because of some sort of what most like to call "male envy". He screamed, he cried, heck he even formed his own list of who he considered fugitives of the state. This list has been and will continue to be something this Tog uses to cleanse himself with in the outhouse.
So with the little "power" Xelten may have thought he had, he smeared my name through the dredges of the Jantspyre and proceeded to drop a branch on me thus stealing one of my favors with Botolf.
Time the drags by as I await for a time I feel vengeance and justice is best served to the pathetic Guard that is Xelten. My sundial hits the proverbial noon as I venture from my current location and drop a hammer from the sky at the Mighty Xelten.
Xelten attempts to rally the province to his aid, most of which do so only on Xelten's word I had been a fugitive. Fine and dandy by me however I'm not going to sit by without exacting justice as is deemed to me. Spies were set up at entrance points, mobs formed, and lives lost. Why? Because Xelten believed he had the power to name people as fugitives.
Now I ask myself, why would he ever do such a thing? My only logical conclusion was when I finally realized that he "hunted" Adan'f dancers. It finally hit me that he must be the leak to the Adan'f. He's not hunting them, he's aligned himself with them in a great charade that has taken many of you fools. Why else would he be such an outspoken, irrational clown when push came to shove? He feared he'd be outed himself and must shift all focus to those he had deemed targets.
Now as for my own fate? I really could care less. I have made no allegiances nor have I aligned in any secret pacts. My business is purely my business. It's a shame some of you had to get involved without really knowing what was the underlying story. I did nothing wrong save for keeping out of a Adan'f rescue attempt. In the future you may be wise to hire my services for such protection missions. I don't wish ill will on most of you however I would enjoy walking past a dead body or three on my next visit. While the pages letter states you will banish me from the city of Shard, it would be ill advised to do so from the entire province as I will not abide by those sanctions. As a free Tog, I will never succumb to any form of slavery or servitude including any decree mandating where I can and cannot go.