a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/20/2007 12:05 AM CDT
I have recently come across a copy of the letter to the Zoluren commanders. Its contents, however, aren't that surprising, given the situation we, the TRUE Scythes, find ourselves in. I personally find the accusation of mutiny amusing, though I assume the accuser is unaware of the definition. I use the term "we", however I must say I speak only for myself here. Any others will speak at their own time, if they chose to.
However, such is not the point of this letter. Those of us who chose to resign did so of our own accord, under no coercion, despite your assistant's attempts to garner confessions to the contrary. One must wonder as to the tactics used in questioning. I was unaware he even had the right to conduct such interviews, being a simple Recruit.
If you'd bothered to monitor our unit's discussions yourself, rather than rely on the opinion of this person, you would see we never at any point suggested mutiny. We do not seek to overthrow anyone. We sought only to end what we preceived to be the Prince's dissatisfaction with our efforts, regardless of the benefit of those efforts. We did talk of remaining a unit, but in the interest of continuing our desire to defend Zoluren, not of becoming a bunch of rogue raiders. Someone does not filter information accurately, obviously.
We were mocked for our gaining members to our unit in numbers we hadn't seen in a long while, which I thought was supposed to be a good thing. Then recruiting was frozen. Apparently it is "unfair" for one unit to do such a good job recruiting, making others look bad. Yet it appears as though the concern was the Scythes were letting just anybody in. When did the militia become elitist against it's own citizens?
Now it seems one of the other commanders also has come to believe the accusations against us. I say let them ask US (those willing to speak) what happened, rather than relying on limited, and biased opinion. I say let them ask those who have witnessed your supposed peaceful attempts to speak to our former commander, when he had already submitted his resignation to the proper sources. If you recall, I witnessed such conduct personally, I identified your persistent familiar.
You say there are only 2 "true" Scythes remaining? I thought they joined your unit, so how is that possible? One of course did render his resignation to the Scythes, as you said, but much later than implied, and long after he seemed to have taken up station as your personal assistant. Yet you declare him innocent of an accusation leveled by a full Commander, while he still held his post. Is that the place of a Liaison? I think not. The other, to my knowledge, never did resign. Yet you also declare them innocent, and accuse the 22 of being the deserters. Furthermore, our former commander did not disband the unit, we resigned. There is a vast difference.
No one, NO one, in our unit made any sort of personal accusations against your assistant. However, may I suggest he learn the definition of at least one term, discretion. You know how Crossing folk talk.
I, and my fellow Scythes, are NOT deserters. Our reasons for our decision, which was not by any stretch an easy one, go back a long ways, when Lady Lindryl ruled in the Prince's absence.
The truth of the matter cannot be hidden forever.
Ice Witch Dechtire, former Trooper, Vorclaf's (True) Scythes
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 04:02 AM CDT
You need a new dictionary..
Noun 1. mutiny - open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers); organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
synonyms - insurrection, revolt, uprising, rising, rebellion
Or would you rather have the charge of treason?
Noun 1. treason - a crime that undermines the offender's government, disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior, an act of deliberate betrayal
Both of those fit what you Untrue Scythes have done. Since you don't care to mention my name. I am the informer, and the Liaison doesn't need a filter. I sent her ALL the messages that were left on the Scythes' message boards.
Noun 1. coercion - the act of compelling by force of authority
I didn't coerce any Scythes into staying. Gallanthur, you and others tried to convince some that the Scythes were being disbanded. Others he didn't even have the dignity to inform of anything. Yes I conducted interviews with various people, not one did i coerce into staying with the Scythes. I offered them an opportunity to hear the whole truth, both sides of the story, and to make their own decision. And I stressed that what they decided to choose would not be held against them personally. What the former command did was a disservice to the rank and file of the Scythes. Information that was suppose to have been passed to the rest of the Scythes, the command staff decided to censure. That is coercion. Your 22 became 14 the next day when 8 people stayed on after I informed them their unit is not disbanded, nor is it being planned for disbandment. How many more don't know the truth, that you are choosing to resign for other than your own feelings?
Heartsfyre and myself never joined Cyiarriah's unit, we refused to resign under your thumb and we were subsequently kicked out. And yes, Heartsfyre was kicked out without an explanation, and I submitted my resignation as soon as I seen she had been kicked out under those conditions. I'm sure my removal was only a matter of time at that point. We never left the Scythes. Matter of fact, that day all was revealed, because Dulcinie tipped her hand and posted a form resignation letter for everyone to send in and Dragaera had resigned before I sent in my resignation. You remember, the one she decided to retrack a day or two later. But by then it was too late, your course of action was shown and determined.
You ARE deserters, your own words confirm it. You resigned, that is deserting. You quit, I didn't. Many times Cyiarriah has asked for aid, for input, your opinion. You witheld it. It was your choice. That is the truth of the matter.
But then if you were around more, I could show you the truth of the matter.
Manze Losterik
You need a new dictionary..
Noun 1. mutiny - open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers); organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
synonyms - insurrection, revolt, uprising, rising, rebellion
Or would you rather have the charge of treason?
Noun 1. treason - a crime that undermines the offender's government, disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior, an act of deliberate betrayal
Both of those fit what you Untrue Scythes have done. Since you don't care to mention my name. I am the informer, and the Liaison doesn't need a filter. I sent her ALL the messages that were left on the Scythes' message boards.
Noun 1. coercion - the act of compelling by force of authority
I didn't coerce any Scythes into staying. Gallanthur, you and others tried to convince some that the Scythes were being disbanded. Others he didn't even have the dignity to inform of anything. Yes I conducted interviews with various people, not one did i coerce into staying with the Scythes. I offered them an opportunity to hear the whole truth, both sides of the story, and to make their own decision. And I stressed that what they decided to choose would not be held against them personally. What the former command did was a disservice to the rank and file of the Scythes. Information that was suppose to have been passed to the rest of the Scythes, the command staff decided to censure. That is coercion. Your 22 became 14 the next day when 8 people stayed on after I informed them their unit is not disbanded, nor is it being planned for disbandment. How many more don't know the truth, that you are choosing to resign for other than your own feelings?
Heartsfyre and myself never joined Cyiarriah's unit, we refused to resign under your thumb and we were subsequently kicked out. And yes, Heartsfyre was kicked out without an explanation, and I submitted my resignation as soon as I seen she had been kicked out under those conditions. I'm sure my removal was only a matter of time at that point. We never left the Scythes. Matter of fact, that day all was revealed, because Dulcinie tipped her hand and posted a form resignation letter for everyone to send in and Dragaera had resigned before I sent in my resignation. You remember, the one she decided to retrack a day or two later. But by then it was too late, your course of action was shown and determined.
You ARE deserters, your own words confirm it. You resigned, that is deserting. You quit, I didn't. Many times Cyiarriah has asked for aid, for input, your opinion. You witheld it. It was your choice. That is the truth of the matter.
But then if you were around more, I could show you the truth of the matter.
Manze Losterik
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 10:02 AM CDT
Resignation wouldn't really fit the term deserter except in the broader sense of the word.
I am --- Navak
I am --- Navak
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 11:15 AM CDT
I am not surprised to see it is you that responded, ever defensive as always. Your opinion doesn't count as to whether or not we are deserters, or anything else for that matter, as last I heard you are a Recruit. It was Cyiarriah herself who said you both joined her unit. And you did in fact resign from the Scythes. Also, no one was EVER pushed into acting one way or the other. Is any choose to remain, they did not make their choice none, but they are entitled to do so.
<What the former command did was a disservice to the rank and file of the Scythes. Information that was suppose to have been passed to the rest of the Scythes, the command staff decided to censure.>
This is a patent lie. The former commander has ALWAYS been forthcoming with information, he never withheld anything from the unit. Any censorship occured before information reached him. However, nothing got past you, did it? Just how deep into the circle of confidence were you, and were you enetitled to be there? You are favored, that's the truth of the matter. You were both passing misinformation to the Liaison in an effort to undermine the commander's authority, since you wish to talk of treason.
The you compound the matter with ridiculous accusations that we spread personal rumors about you. For starters, you'd note I didn't mention names, but since you're determined to reveal yourself, I'll oblige. You said we spread lies to your Order leader, Undomiel. My dear Manze, this is where discretion comes in. That "rumor" is because your Order leader heard your comments over the gweth, not because we said anything. It is said to think before we act. In your case, perhaps it is think before you think? Your personal life is your own, or should be, but as I said, Crossing folk are very observant, it has nothing to do with military.
Which reminds me, it has been said being part of the military and part of an Order is supposed to be a conflict of interest. Why are you excluded from this decree? The military is supposed to conduct themselves professionally at all times, even on the gweth. So why is it you are never reprimanded for your own conduct, while not only the unit SGT, but the Commander as well, were practically verbally attacked for comments that were, by comparison, quite benign. The rules apparently only apply at will.
<I didn't coerce any Scythes into staying. Gallanthur, you and others tried to convince some that the Scythes were being disbanded.>
Again, a lie. Only the Prince has the authority to disband a unit. No one was ever coerced into staying or going, they were simply told what was going on (which, according to you, doesn't happen), and asked what their opinion was. If anyone has chosen to remain, it is their right to do so. Those who chose to resign, it is their right to do so. It is not, to the best of my knowledge, YOUR right, as a Recruit, to conduct interviews behind the back of the unit commander. This speaks to your actions of attempting to undermine his authority while he still held the post.
<I offered them an opportunity to hear the whole truth, both sides of the story, and to make their own decision.>
I know what truth you were offering, yours and the Liaison's. That doesn't count as both sides. And no one was kept from both sides, except by you. You wanted everyone to see things your way, and apparently can't handle the fact that they don't.
<Matter of fact, that day all was revealed, because Dulcinie tipped her hand and posted a form resignation letter >
Um, no. That was strictly Dulcinie's resignation. The fact that other unit members chose to use it as their own does not make it a "form letter." What it does show is several echoed her feelings on the matter. Tipped her hand? Honestly man, are you so caught up in creating a situation that did not, and does not exist, just to try and make yourself look better? Your ambition is quite obvious, and not in the least restrained by any sort of loyalty save to yourself.
<But then if you were around more, I could show you the truth of the matter>
Are you utterly blind, man? Even in my absence from the realms I knew what was going on. And a good deal of the things with which the unit was concerned occured before I left. My participation in unit discussions should've made that obvious. You, on the other hand, I did not even know existed till you started arguing this matter. Where was your contribution prior to this? I have been here, all along, whether partially or fully.
I still question your access to information deemed for the eyes of Commanders and their seconds ONLY, prior to it being made more public. That this occured after it was made known you had it doesn't hide the fact that you had access you shouldn't have. Hm, could this be called "espionage?" No, it is simply the very sort of favoritism that is supposed to be frowned upon. Hypocrasy at it's finest.
<How many more don't know the truth, that you are choosing to resign for other than your own feelings?>
This barely makes sense, but I will address it anyway. What other reason would someone have for choosing to resign, other than they "felt" it was in their best interest? The entire unit knows my reasoning, I have always been very open about it. For other than my own feelings? Are you now trying to imply that I was coerced?
<Heartsfyre and myself never joined Cyiarriah's unit, we refused to resign under your thumb and we were subsequently kicked out. And yes, Heartsfyre was kicked out without an explanation>
You insist on pushing this. No one was pressured to choose anything. That you felt your time was limited was due to your own attempts to undermine the commander's authority being discovered. There was a reason, the fact that we were being accused of mutiny BEFORE any sort of decision at ALL was made. How did that accusation reach the ears of the Liaison? By the lips of those seeking favor, and were willing to lie to gain it. There never was any talk of mutiny, never any desire to desert. Only the desire to end a long chain of unwarranted abuse against the unit. A unit, that by the General's own words, would not even exist had he not chosen so, NOT because the Prince chose it to be so.
Many of us have been here, Manze, and witnessed Gallanthur's struggle to keep the unit alive met with constant resistence since the days of Lady Lindryl. I have seen Dulcinie put through hell over some personal grudge, and reprimanded for relatively innocent comments made over the gweth, while your own conduct is ignored. I have seen her singled out for her "conflict of interest" by being both a militia member and the speaker of the Tavern Troupe. Those who resigned did so because enough is enough. We have been nothing but loyal to both Prince and province for a very long time, right up until the end. It is the few like you who chose to turn it into something ugly.
<I am the informer, and the Liaison doesn't need a filter. I sent her ALL the messages that were left on the Scythes' message boards.>
That's supposed to be a shock? I suppose you didn't notice, I withheld your name on purpose. There is very little that you've done that wasn't known. You're not that subtle. No one spoke of mutiny, so how could she have information proving otherwise?
No one withheld their input. You choose to ignore that and call it not participating simply because the input given did not meet with your opinion. Then you and the Liaison chose to label us, the TRUE Scythes, deserters and mutineers to draw attention from the favoritism and lies. Protest as you like, that is your choice, it doesn't change the facts.
We had the courage to take a stand. You didn't.
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
<What the former command did was a disservice to the rank and file of the Scythes. Information that was suppose to have been passed to the rest of the Scythes, the command staff decided to censure.>
This is a patent lie. The former commander has ALWAYS been forthcoming with information, he never withheld anything from the unit. Any censorship occured before information reached him. However, nothing got past you, did it? Just how deep into the circle of confidence were you, and were you enetitled to be there? You are favored, that's the truth of the matter. You were both passing misinformation to the Liaison in an effort to undermine the commander's authority, since you wish to talk of treason.
The you compound the matter with ridiculous accusations that we spread personal rumors about you. For starters, you'd note I didn't mention names, but since you're determined to reveal yourself, I'll oblige. You said we spread lies to your Order leader, Undomiel. My dear Manze, this is where discretion comes in. That "rumor" is because your Order leader heard your comments over the gweth, not because we said anything. It is said to think before we act. In your case, perhaps it is think before you think? Your personal life is your own, or should be, but as I said, Crossing folk are very observant, it has nothing to do with military.
Which reminds me, it has been said being part of the military and part of an Order is supposed to be a conflict of interest. Why are you excluded from this decree? The military is supposed to conduct themselves professionally at all times, even on the gweth. So why is it you are never reprimanded for your own conduct, while not only the unit SGT, but the Commander as well, were practically verbally attacked for comments that were, by comparison, quite benign. The rules apparently only apply at will.
<I didn't coerce any Scythes into staying. Gallanthur, you and others tried to convince some that the Scythes were being disbanded.>
Again, a lie. Only the Prince has the authority to disband a unit. No one was ever coerced into staying or going, they were simply told what was going on (which, according to you, doesn't happen), and asked what their opinion was. If anyone has chosen to remain, it is their right to do so. Those who chose to resign, it is their right to do so. It is not, to the best of my knowledge, YOUR right, as a Recruit, to conduct interviews behind the back of the unit commander. This speaks to your actions of attempting to undermine his authority while he still held the post.
<I offered them an opportunity to hear the whole truth, both sides of the story, and to make their own decision.>
I know what truth you were offering, yours and the Liaison's. That doesn't count as both sides. And no one was kept from both sides, except by you. You wanted everyone to see things your way, and apparently can't handle the fact that they don't.
<Matter of fact, that day all was revealed, because Dulcinie tipped her hand and posted a form resignation letter >
Um, no. That was strictly Dulcinie's resignation. The fact that other unit members chose to use it as their own does not make it a "form letter." What it does show is several echoed her feelings on the matter. Tipped her hand? Honestly man, are you so caught up in creating a situation that did not, and does not exist, just to try and make yourself look better? Your ambition is quite obvious, and not in the least restrained by any sort of loyalty save to yourself.
<But then if you were around more, I could show you the truth of the matter>
Are you utterly blind, man? Even in my absence from the realms I knew what was going on. And a good deal of the things with which the unit was concerned occured before I left. My participation in unit discussions should've made that obvious. You, on the other hand, I did not even know existed till you started arguing this matter. Where was your contribution prior to this? I have been here, all along, whether partially or fully.
I still question your access to information deemed for the eyes of Commanders and their seconds ONLY, prior to it being made more public. That this occured after it was made known you had it doesn't hide the fact that you had access you shouldn't have. Hm, could this be called "espionage?" No, it is simply the very sort of favoritism that is supposed to be frowned upon. Hypocrasy at it's finest.
<How many more don't know the truth, that you are choosing to resign for other than your own feelings?>
This barely makes sense, but I will address it anyway. What other reason would someone have for choosing to resign, other than they "felt" it was in their best interest? The entire unit knows my reasoning, I have always been very open about it. For other than my own feelings? Are you now trying to imply that I was coerced?
<Heartsfyre and myself never joined Cyiarriah's unit, we refused to resign under your thumb and we were subsequently kicked out. And yes, Heartsfyre was kicked out without an explanation>
You insist on pushing this. No one was pressured to choose anything. That you felt your time was limited was due to your own attempts to undermine the commander's authority being discovered. There was a reason, the fact that we were being accused of mutiny BEFORE any sort of decision at ALL was made. How did that accusation reach the ears of the Liaison? By the lips of those seeking favor, and were willing to lie to gain it. There never was any talk of mutiny, never any desire to desert. Only the desire to end a long chain of unwarranted abuse against the unit. A unit, that by the General's own words, would not even exist had he not chosen so, NOT because the Prince chose it to be so.
Many of us have been here, Manze, and witnessed Gallanthur's struggle to keep the unit alive met with constant resistence since the days of Lady Lindryl. I have seen Dulcinie put through hell over some personal grudge, and reprimanded for relatively innocent comments made over the gweth, while your own conduct is ignored. I have seen her singled out for her "conflict of interest" by being both a militia member and the speaker of the Tavern Troupe. Those who resigned did so because enough is enough. We have been nothing but loyal to both Prince and province for a very long time, right up until the end. It is the few like you who chose to turn it into something ugly.
<I am the informer, and the Liaison doesn't need a filter. I sent her ALL the messages that were left on the Scythes' message boards.>
That's supposed to be a shock? I suppose you didn't notice, I withheld your name on purpose. There is very little that you've done that wasn't known. You're not that subtle. No one spoke of mutiny, so how could she have information proving otherwise?
No one withheld their input. You choose to ignore that and call it not participating simply because the input given did not meet with your opinion. Then you and the Liaison chose to label us, the TRUE Scythes, deserters and mutineers to draw attention from the favoritism and lies. Protest as you like, that is your choice, it doesn't change the facts.
We had the courage to take a stand. You didn't.
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 12:14 PM CDT
<Is any choose to remain, they did not make their choice none, but they are entitled to do so.>
flails I will correct myself here, it should have been "If any chose to remain, they didn't say so, but it is still their choice, and right, to do so."
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
flails I will correct myself here, it should have been "If any chose to remain, they didn't say so, but it is still their choice, and right, to do so."
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 07:57 PM CDT
I would frankly question the wisdom and maturity of anyone that would air a personal grievance of this nature publicly, as well as the wisdom and maturity of any that would rise to it.
Silence is golden. It is most unfortunate that the people involved here seem to be exceedingly poor.
Silence is golden. It is most unfortunate that the people involved here seem to be exceedingly poor.
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 09:40 PM CDT
>Silence is golden
Ah, the irony.
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant of The Ilithi Night Watch
Ah, the irony.
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant of The Ilithi Night Watch
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 09:41 PM CDT
>> Ah, the irony.
Indeed. I recall you airing a similar grievance in a similar fashion. Oh, how we come full circle.
Indeed. I recall you airing a similar grievance in a similar fashion. Oh, how we come full circle.
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 09:45 PM CDT
>I recall you airing a similar grievance in a similar fashion
As you've never done, right? That's a good chuckle, there. Glass houses, dear.
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant of The Ilithi Night Watch
As you've never done, right? That's a good chuckle, there. Glass houses, dear.
Doctor Kerrian Runegazer
Sergeant of The Ilithi Night Watch
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 10:02 PM CDT
>> As you've never done, right?
No, I can honestly say I have never publicly aired an official grievance regarding the official conduct of a person or persons I share membership in an official organization with.
No, I can honestly say I have never publicly aired an official grievance regarding the official conduct of a person or persons I share membership in an official organization with.
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/22/2007 10:24 PM CDT
That some personal issues were drug into it is the result of Manze suddenly being upset by "rumors" flying about him, due to his lack of discretion, that he choses to blame his former unit for. It is purely a statement meant to refute false accusations against a group of people, which takes it beyond personal. Not everyone handles things the same way. This is mine, agree with it or not, it is your privilege. If you can think of a better way to combat false accusations brought against those who resigned, by all means, enlighten me.
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/23/2007 08:29 AM CDT
::written on a simple piece of paper with faint patches of wear, this letter was obviously written from the field in plain common::
To: Fellow militia members
From: Madigan De'Mascus, soldier
Friends and fellow soldiers in the defense of your province. First, thank you for your service to your oaths and your provinces. I am honored to write to each of you in the service of a greater good. Thank you for your present or past service.
I am distressed by recent reports of open disputes among fellows of the common good, and I wish to convey advice earned through long service both as a follower and leader. I trust you will receive it in the light intended and know that I mean no personal disrespect to any individual.
No matter how good a unit or group is, dirty laundry will accumulate in various corners and over time. I urge you to address your issues directly with one another in a professional manner, in private and face to face. Although you may not reach an accord as to the issues, have faith that you have addressed them as honorably as the situation can possibly dictate. From that meeting go forward based on your decisions and discussions and leave the issues on the table.
For those that choose to leave service for various reasons, do so in a fashion that allows you to be released from your oaths honorably then go forward and continue your service as best as you may, either with another unit or individually. For those that remain in service, honor your fellows for their prior service to the greater good and take time to listen to their position and maybe understand from an open mind things that can be improved. For remember this my friends, both sides of this dispute are serving or has served in the past, and that must be remembered.
Remember friends that your actions reflect not just on your unit, but on all of us in service to our oaths. May your immortal guide you in your decisions and I present myself at your service should you require my ear to work through these difficult times.
As we say in the Northern Watch, "Deeds Above Words". Let our deeds at all times reflect on us in an honorable fashion.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
To: Fellow militia members
From: Madigan De'Mascus, soldier
Friends and fellow soldiers in the defense of your province. First, thank you for your service to your oaths and your provinces. I am honored to write to each of you in the service of a greater good. Thank you for your present or past service.
I am distressed by recent reports of open disputes among fellows of the common good, and I wish to convey advice earned through long service both as a follower and leader. I trust you will receive it in the light intended and know that I mean no personal disrespect to any individual.
No matter how good a unit or group is, dirty laundry will accumulate in various corners and over time. I urge you to address your issues directly with one another in a professional manner, in private and face to face. Although you may not reach an accord as to the issues, have faith that you have addressed them as honorably as the situation can possibly dictate. From that meeting go forward based on your decisions and discussions and leave the issues on the table.
For those that choose to leave service for various reasons, do so in a fashion that allows you to be released from your oaths honorably then go forward and continue your service as best as you may, either with another unit or individually. For those that remain in service, honor your fellows for their prior service to the greater good and take time to listen to their position and maybe understand from an open mind things that can be improved. For remember this my friends, both sides of this dispute are serving or has served in the past, and that must be remembered.
Remember friends that your actions reflect not just on your unit, but on all of us in service to our oaths. May your immortal guide you in your decisions and I present myself at your service should you require my ear to work through these difficult times.
As we say in the Northern Watch, "Deeds Above Words". Let our deeds at all times reflect on us in an honorable fashion.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Arthur Ashe
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/23/2007 10:18 AM CDT
It's a pleasure to remain unaffiliated.
Mvorn says, "I'm too nervous to talk around Dulcinia she's so dreamy"
Mvorn says, "I'm too nervous to talk around Dulcinia she's so dreamy"
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/23/2007 01:06 PM CDT
A white dog pads up to Madigan in the field, and drops a small scroll at his feet. The writing is in common, in a flowing script:
Thank you, Sir, for your wisdom. Your unit's motto is indeed words to live by.
Dechtire, former militia of Zoluren
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Thank you, Sir, for your wisdom. Your unit's motto is indeed words to live by.
Dechtire, former militia of Zoluren
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Re: a letter addressed to Military Liaison Cyiarriah and the Zoluren Commanders
08/23/2007 01:10 PM CDT
<It's a pleasure to remain unaffiliated.>
Lesson learned...
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."
Lesson learned...
As Lady Shantelle said, "Crossing doesn't need a theatre, the drama is in the streets."