Re: Minor Errors in Profile 2.0 [off the track now] 07/15/2009 11:38 AM CDT
She's Just Not That New in Town, But She Wears Prada Anyway and Keeps a Diary

The critics are raving!

"Wooba" gushes Bahbtahrol of Potpie Review.

"Four throwing-blades up!" says Tachid of the Necrocity News.

"A tepid formula dramedy, predictable and ultimately unsatisfying." -Roger Ebert, Chicago Tribune

"Yo" raves Momus of the Cooty Chronicle.

"Hands down the best documentary on the JFK assassination I have ever seen."

"At 109.75 minutes, this picture gave me zero experience gain. It did however have 7 references to Elvis Presley, 4 references to George W. Bush, and 3 references to Canada. Also, at 87.175 minutes in, there is a frame where a Pepsi sign is visible in the background of the passionate love scene. Looking closely, you will note that the sign is clearly upside down."
-Hanryu, Scientific Ranger Quarterly

"This film needs to be gwethsmashed repeatedly, and it's profile set to open."

"If only this concept were actually funny, I might laugh. As Immanuel Kant put forth in his Critique of Pure Reason, the mind plays such an active role in constituting the features of experience. My mind's enjoyment of this movie was limited by it's perception that the film empiricaly sucked."
-Devan, Person on the Street

"Srs, this thing is awesome sauce. I want to date it!" praises Ragran of Rolling Stoned Magazine.

"This tangent is way way off-topic, and officially over." -DR-ANNWYL, Moderator's Monthly

Re: Minor Errors in Profile 2.0 [off the track now] 07/15/2009 11:43 AM CDT
That was awesome. Made my morning.
