This is a brief one and I think would be interesting. It also seems like something slightly obvious so I'm not sure why it isn't implimented yet.
Currently you can SHOW items to people. They get a description of it (the 'look') and they have the capability to appraise it with APP <person> [item].
Can this please be extended to the read as well? I'd like to know that there's something written on an item when I'm shown it (it seems logical, unless you feel like presuming illiteracy, that a character would be able to identify writing on an item shown to them).
Because of how appraise works, I don't think there would be much problem with syntax: READ <person> [item] seems like it could do it, there's already the mechanism in place to give both the look description and allow an appraisal for an object that isn't in your possession.
You would see, if Medir were to 'show':
This piece of paper is crumpled and heavily smudged.
There appears to be something written on it.
At which point you could: READ MEDIR PAPER
A piece of paper reads:
Look, writing.
Or perhaps even simpler:
This piece of paper is crumpled and heavily smudged.
It reads:
Look, writing.
I think it's a small detail but the lack of it leaves a bit of a gap.
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