Compannions 2.0 09/25/2011 12:00 PM CDT
Sithix I love you. Thanks for being so up front and for warning us it may not make it for Christmas. I will continue to be hopeful though: I'm an incurable optimist. A question though--any chance we can signal them to distract? Not necessarily attack...just distract. I'm not asking for killer raccoons and such, but perhaps without the cyclical spell...they could be signaled to distract by growling, advancing to pole or for raccoons, running though the critter's legs or close to it.

Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
Re: Compannions 2.0 09/26/2011 02:43 PM CDT
>perhaps without the cyclical spell...

Nope. :P

- GM Sithix
Re: Compannions 2.0 09/27/2011 10:55 PM CDT
>>2. Could someone explain cyclical spells to me? I'm a little out of the loop... pun intended

Cyclic spells are pretty much what Bard enchantes are now.

- You can only use one cyclic spell at a time.
- Once you start a cyclic spell it will "pulse" every dozen(plus or minus) or so seconds.
- Each "pulse" drains some of your mana depending on how much mana you have the spell set at. (Currently Bards use the MANA SONG verb in order to control this)
- Initially the mana cost of a cyclic spell will come from harnessed mana and (I believe) cambrinth. There is a meta magic feat which will allow the mana cost to come directly from your attunement, which is how Bard enchantes function presently.
- Cyclic spells are typically very high level, powerful and versatile spells which house a lot of different components or very strong effects. Most cyclic spells will be Advanced or Esoteric in difficulty.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
Re: Compannions 2.0 09/27/2011 11:01 PM CDT
> Most cyclic spells will be Advanced or Esoteric in difficulty.

With the exception of Bards, all cyclics will be Esoteric.
Re: Compannions 2.0 09/28/2011 12:14 AM CDT
A post was removed.

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Re: Compannions 2.0 10/23/2011 09:09 AM CDT
Sorry if this question has already been asked/answered but...

Will the new companion system teach better animal lore without having to spam commands?
Re: Compannions 2.0 10/23/2011 10:00 AM CDT
I think Animal Lore is going into Outdoorsmanship.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
Re: Compannions 2.0 10/23/2011 07:47 PM CDT

ah, Okay thanks.