Heyo everyone! While I don't believe tomorrow will be the end of the world, I do believe God has a sense of humor (cuz He made me). So, in case He decides to end the world tomorrow....thanks everyone for all the great times, for the informative, exciting and sometimes flaming posts about the guild I love the most.
It says something that at the possible end of the world, I will be here in DR doing what I love to do.
Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 02:37 PM CDT
Well the problem is the person who said it was basing it on New Zealand time with the kick off of the big ol earthquake. For those of us in California that means about 9 pm tonight. 6 pm for you east coast people. Good luck hahahaha.
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 02:46 PM CDT
Wait, what? It's not 2012 yet. Did someone make zombies and not tell me?
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 03:37 PM CDT
I have seen multiple people post something about the end of the world. I know it might feel that way after Randy Savage has died but what gives?
I'm on a Motor-boat!!
I'm on a Motor-boat!!
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 03:46 PM CDT
Macho Man Died? :(
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 04:07 PM CDT
Yeah Macho Man died in a car accident...vs semi I think. His wife had a few scratches is what I heard.
And for those who don't know...there's this California based church whose head man...preacher developed this long several pages pamphlet that "proves" the end of the world is May 21st 6PM West Coast time. They put billboards all over the place around Sacramento where I live.
It's kinda sad...because some of his followers have quit their jobs and/or sold their homes in anticipation of this. So if I feel for them if God doesn't end the world. Still I have to figure that the end has been speculated on for a long time and like the fella said, I'm expecting to see you all on Sunday.
Oh and no zombies....maybe flying dragons, earthquakes and folks disappearing (some expect some sort of rapture experience--where folks who are "saved" are lifted up and taken to Heaven).
Anyways after work I will be back in the realms killing cheap birdies in Rossman's.
Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
And for those who don't know...there's this California based church whose head man...preacher developed this long several pages pamphlet that "proves" the end of the world is May 21st 6PM West Coast time. They put billboards all over the place around Sacramento where I live.
It's kinda sad...because some of his followers have quit their jobs and/or sold their homes in anticipation of this. So if I feel for them if God doesn't end the world. Still I have to figure that the end has been speculated on for a long time and like the fella said, I'm expecting to see you all on Sunday.
Oh and no zombies....maybe flying dragons, earthquakes and folks disappearing (some expect some sort of rapture experience--where folks who are "saved" are lifted up and taken to Heaven).
Anyways after work I will be back in the realms killing cheap birdies in Rossman's.
Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 05:40 PM CDT
>Sacramento where I live.
Neat, I am just north of Sac.
-Reverend Gidien
"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."
~Miyamoto Musashi
Neat, I am just north of Sac.
-Reverend Gidien
"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."
~Miyamoto Musashi
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 07:08 PM CDT
What's really sad, is these people were doped into believing there was a god in the first place. The people willing to throw their lives, jobs, and money away, really deserve to lose everything for believing this nonsense. I just feel bad for the kids, for the ones that have kids.
I really cant believe this movement has gained so much publicity. As if the first time this guy was wrong about his prediction wasnt enough to convince people he was nuts.... Now there is a large following. Give me a break.
I really cant believe this movement has gained so much publicity. As if the first time this guy was wrong about his prediction wasnt enough to convince people he was nuts.... Now there is a large following. Give me a break.
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 07:36 PM CDT
Sadly it gets worse, there is someone here in my parent's town of Sonoma who is going to euthanize his pets to "spare" them any agony...apparently you can do that as long as it isn't cruel or torture.
It just kind of makes me sick to hear stuff like this. I'm guessing he is going to be a bit upset when tomorrow is a normal day.
It just kind of makes me sick to hear stuff like this. I'm guessing he is going to be a bit upset when tomorrow is a normal day.
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 07:43 PM CDT
<<Sadly it gets worse, there is someone here in my parent's town of Sonoma who is going to euthanize his pets to "spare" them any agony...apparently you can do that as long as it isn't cruel or torture.
I'm a vet tech currently studying to become a Vet MD., and if this person came to my hospital, I would have verbally beat him so badly, he would need the world to end for him. Needless to say, we would refuse.
I'm a vet tech currently studying to become a Vet MD., and if this person came to my hospital, I would have verbally beat him so badly, he would need the world to end for him. Needless to say, we would refuse.
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 09:24 PM CDT
<<As if the first time this guy was wrong about his prediction wasnt enough to convince people he was nuts...>>
Can't wait to see how many people he gets for next year's end-of-the-world prediction.
>You hear a blood-curdling shriek from the southeast.
>You ponder.
>You go west.
Can't wait to see how many people he gets for next year's end-of-the-world prediction.
>You hear a blood-curdling shriek from the southeast.
>You ponder.
>You go west.
Re: Doomsday
05/20/2011 10:34 PM CDT
That's horrible putting your pets down for this! I'm with you Falker, I would even try to stick HIM with the needle and see how he likes it!
Oh the other hand, on the news tonight, there are postings on like Craigslist from athiests offering "end of the world" pet sitting offers to give homes to the faithful's pets.
As for God, I believe in Him and feel at some point this world has to end. But geez I try to do what He said in the Bible...not to worry about it. So I'm not.
And Falker...I can totally see you as a vet. Congrats! I can really see you training a falcon to intimidate, er control, your pet patients.."here kitty kitty kitty".
Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
Oh the other hand, on the news tonight, there are postings on like Craigslist from athiests offering "end of the world" pet sitting offers to give homes to the faithful's pets.
As for God, I believe in Him and feel at some point this world has to end. But geez I try to do what He said in the Bible...not to worry about it. So I'm not.
And Falker...I can totally see you as a vet. Congrats! I can really see you training a falcon to intimidate, er control, your pet patients.."here kitty kitty kitty".
Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow
Re: Doomsday
05/21/2011 01:03 AM CDT
Personally if I actually ran across this guy I would make him feel a bit like his animals must feel. I was hoping that animal control or somebody might come and take them away from him...
Re: Doomsday
05/26/2011 12:59 PM CDT
He already predicted I think October 21st now. That the may was just the beggining. Anyhow, he was a crock pot if the world ends so be it. If not, even better.