Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/16/2015 11:49 PM CST
Starting to put this together.

Not exactly a run from Point A to Point B but more like a run for your life.

If you have any questions ask Zovyn.

Have Fun!

Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/19/2015 08:31 AM CST
Great Progress this Weekend!

We have our first two team captains!


If you have any questions you can always as the new Team captains or Zovyn. (or post here)

Have Fun!
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/20/2015 07:13 PM CST
::sticks her nose up from under the bed roll:: Huh? What?

WHEN! I'm happy to get naked and have fun. DETAILS?

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky who whatever the game is--wants a wolf team.
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/20/2015 07:35 PM CST

We need an honest broker.

I'll be around the Xing Guild tonight.

Have Fun!
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/21/2015 09:29 PM CST
<<We need an honest broker.

I'll be around the Xing Guild tonight.>>

Uh I'm honest enough---gullible too. A broker? For what? Sorry don't understand why we need a broker but if I can help I will.

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky who is busy trying to tell Zinaca what a broker does (obviously they grab the neck and shake it hard! Everything is kill kill kill with wolves)
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/23/2015 12:18 AM CST
We need someone to keep track of the points and make judgment calls. That’s why we need someone honest.

Making final tweaks this weekend but I will get the framework posted this Sunday.

Still need 2 more Captains, preferably over 150 Circle or thereabouts. Was trying to grab Fengreve but he keeps un-godly hours. (But I am pretty sure we can raid his vault for prizes) Someone tackle Pathlone and direct him here or any other volunteers certainly welcome.

Ranger Mentor will get us a table of goodies but he requested paperwork. Ranger Bureaucracy!

In the meantime, if you have any questions just ask Zovyn.
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/23/2015 12:01 PM CST
Sounds great. I would like to suggest some goodies: balls, strips of leather and shiny things to play with our wolves and raccoons. Perhaps a sturdy rope with knots in it to play tug of war with wolves also. For the raccoons, besides a "bag of shiny things" to empty and hide from your raccoon, how about braided leather strips for a gentle tug of war.

Also, as a woman huntress--I would dearly love to have a hunting halter (think fitness bra). Perhaps as a prize? Hey we have hunting skirts, why not? Um those are off the top of my head.

As for helping with points and judgement calls, hey I'm already on some folks hit list so why not? Just know...I don't use AIM (don't ask).

Looking forward to this. I have always loved the naked ranger race and if I'm going to be a judge type ranger---everyone who races will actually have to be naked. With cloth as armor I don't want anyone to get an advantage from some cloth armor--so everyone show up naked! It's why it's called the naked ranger race!

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky who is still pushing for a wolf team (stubborn wolflet)
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/23/2015 09:46 PM CST

I am on that it Immediately!

Fengreve, please get the sports bra out of your vault.

If anyone sees Fengreve please ask him for the sports bra.

Have Fun!
Re: Time to come out of the woods... and get naked. 01/24/2015 12:04 AM CST

Okay first announcement and most important one to date.

The official song of the games is Piranhas are a very tricky species.

You may substitute in Ping Island-Lightning strike rescue op if you must, but these two songs should enhance your naked survival game experience.

Have Fun!