New link added to "other links", and still looking for birthday contributions. Nothing wrong with being recognized as being with us still.
The Shield Crafter
Harome, until our next encounter
Founder of the unlicensed Craftsman business, The Circle of the Serpent.
CotS catalogue at
Re: New link added, and still looking for...
02/14/2006 04:15 PM CST
I just got back a few days ago, and saw this site yesterday... and I must say, either prices have dropped since I've been gone, or you've done a great job of lowering them. It's nice to see a place you can get most anything.
Any chance you'll add some lockpicks? Not that I need any now, but that had to be one item I saw as missing. If you had some for sale and I missed them, my bad. :)
Any chance you'll add some lockpicks? Not that I need any now, but that had to be one item I saw as missing. If you had some for sale and I missed them, my bad. :)
Re: New link added, and still looking for...
02/14/2006 04:30 PM CST
We do not sell lockpicks, and yes it was a hard decision to make, and a great loss to a potential business plus. I felt that lockpicks would steer away from the theme of the business, which is equipment and magic. However, any tool maker is allowed to give me their information to advertise it in the "other business" section so they can still benefit.
The Shield Crafter
Harome, until our next encounter
Founder of the unlicensed Craftsman business, The Circle of the Serpent.
CotS catalogue at
The Shield Crafter
Harome, until our next encounter
Founder of the unlicensed Craftsman business, The Circle of the Serpent.
CotS catalogue at