Heh all my actual programming/software design classes are in Java, but the other reqs like OSes and Networking are all in C... and the one random class that was in Scheme (a LISP variant). I rock Java, I suxxor at C. The Scheme stuff was just weird, I have no idea what it was doing in the curriculum.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:05 AM CDT
<<the one random class that was in Scheme (a LISP variant)>>
I love Scheme! Do you happen to attend Georgia Tech? Cause that sounds very similar to part of my freshman year curriculum. Plus I've never heard of Scheme being used ANYWHERE else...
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
I love Scheme! Do you happen to attend Georgia Tech? Cause that sounds very similar to part of my freshman year curriculum. Plus I've never heard of Scheme being used ANYWHERE else...
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:29 AM CDT
Aroamer looks back at the posts and begins to whimper.
So.....theres alot of languages out there. Html, java, c, c++. All for different types of things. What do you guys suggest I learn first if Im really interested in learning it. Then what second, third ect. Also, how would it benefit me in my hobbies of making sites and toying with muds with each perspective language?
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
So.....theres alot of languages out there. Html, java, c, c++. All for different types of things. What do you guys suggest I learn first if Im really interested in learning it. Then what second, third ect. Also, how would it benefit me in my hobbies of making sites and toying with muds with each perspective language?
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:30 AM CDT
>Do you happen to attend Georgia Tech?
Hehe, actually, University of Queensland, in Australia. Scheme is apparently used a bunch in the MIT compsci program, so they decided it'd be cool to use it here? Or... something? Heh.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Hehe, actually, University of Queensland, in Australia. Scheme is apparently used a bunch in the MIT compsci program, so they decided it'd be cool to use it here? Or... something? Heh.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:36 AM CDT
>>So.....theres alot of languages out there. Html, java, c, c++. All for different types of things. What do you guys suggest I learn first if Im really interested in learning it. Then what second, third ect. Also, how would it benefit me in my hobbies of making sites and toying with muds with each perspective language?
Ok here's the thing:
HTML isn't really so much a programming language, so much. It's really a way to format information for web pages. If you're really interested in site-building, and not really so much other stuff like software programming, here's some things I would look into:
HTML/XHTML is a must, along with CSS stuff- make your site look good
PHP and SQL- for database stuff
JavaScript/Perl/Python/some other scripting language- for other nifty things you might want to throw out there
As far as application/software programming goes... I'd say start out with Java. From there, if you want to get into it more, C/C++ is what most applications are built with these days I think.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Ok here's the thing:
HTML isn't really so much a programming language, so much. It's really a way to format information for web pages. If you're really interested in site-building, and not really so much other stuff like software programming, here's some things I would look into:
HTML/XHTML is a must, along with CSS stuff- make your site look good
PHP and SQL- for database stuff
JavaScript/Perl/Python/some other scripting language- for other nifty things you might want to throw out there
As far as application/software programming goes... I'd say start out with Java. From there, if you want to get into it more, C/C++ is what most applications are built with these days I think.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:44 AM CDT
Thanks vision that pretty much sums it up for me. I'm interested in both I'd like to be the guy that made the site and the programs that go with the site. Alot of work but you know......fun stuff! Anyway, thanks for the brief and basic so my brain can understand explantion.
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 11:50 AM CDT
C# could possibly on par with Java in ease, also. I'm unsure since I haven't looked at it deeply. It's a bit more optimized than Java, and repairs some of its issues.
That's "See Sharp"
It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
That's "See Sharp"
It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/17/2005 02:23 PM CDT
Much love to FORTRAN.
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhar's definition of RP is erroneous
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhar's definition of RP is erroneous
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 07:29 AM CDT
You all need to apply to be ranger GMs like NOW!!!
Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 01:38 PM CDT
<<You all need to apply to be ranger GMs like NOW!!!>>
I think we all probably have...?
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
I think we all probably have...?
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 01:48 PM CDT
>>I think we all probably have...?>>
LOL I know I did, not that they would hire me because I have the codeing expierience of a rock. I figured why not like I said I spend almost 32 hours out of 48 here on my days off and even at work between calls I'm in and out. I also figured it'd be a good way to learn. Heck, they gotta have something for someone with my exp level to do. Even if was just being the new In character janitor aka Mr. I get to come in your room and annoy you. J/K =)
If any of you do make it good luck and we all hope any of the new GM's have as much ambition and go getter spirit as those of the past.
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
LOL I know I did, not that they would hire me because I have the codeing expierience of a rock. I figured why not like I said I spend almost 32 hours out of 48 here on my days off and even at work between calls I'm in and out. I also figured it'd be a good way to learn. Heck, they gotta have something for someone with my exp level to do. Even if was just being the new In character janitor aka Mr. I get to come in your room and annoy you. J/K =)
If any of you do make it good luck and we all hope any of the new GM's have as much ambition and go getter spirit as those of the past.
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 02:12 PM CDT
Ahmir totally applied, with no (significant) reply >:|
rar! Recruit him!
It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
rar! Recruit him!
It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 06:46 PM CDT
Yeah I applied also, haven't heard much of anything back. Simu's not so great in the communications department... Even a, 'Yeah, you suck, we don't want you' would be great, so at least I know they looked at my app.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 07:33 PM CDT
>>Yeah I applied also, haven't heard much of anything back. Simu's not so great in the communications department... Even a, 'Yeah, you suck, we don't want you' would be great, so at least I know they looked at my app.>>
LOL I dunno they communicated with me greatly on some issues not dragonrealms related.
It's like number 77 halfway down the page or so.
I guess if they had to answer every single request that involved applications then thier life would revolve around sending out, "thank you but you suck so no" messages. LOL I mean heck we all would love to work for simutronics. If I knew how to code I'd do it for free, but there I go trying to sell myself again.
I want to thank everyone that responded to my questions and gave me all the info about languages and code. I really appreciate all the imput. The information so far is invaluable and helping me alot. Has any of you actualy looked at my site though? We kinda drifted from do I suck or not to languages. I was worried all the images I have would create crazy loadtimes for dial up users not to mention foxfire my favorite browser loads differntly than IE.
ForestWraiths Of Elanthia
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
LOL I dunno they communicated with me greatly on some issues not dragonrealms related.
It's like number 77 halfway down the page or so.
I guess if they had to answer every single request that involved applications then thier life would revolve around sending out, "thank you but you suck so no" messages. LOL I mean heck we all would love to work for simutronics. If I knew how to code I'd do it for free, but there I go trying to sell myself again.
I want to thank everyone that responded to my questions and gave me all the info about languages and code. I really appreciate all the imput. The information so far is invaluable and helping me alot. Has any of you actualy looked at my site though? We kinda drifted from do I suck or not to languages. I was worried all the images I have would create crazy loadtimes for dial up users not to mention foxfire my favorite browser loads differntly than IE.
ForestWraiths Of Elanthia
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
Mark Twain
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/18/2005 07:54 PM CDT
Speaking as a web developer...
The paintings are very pretty, but they're a bit large. Doesn't bog me down since I'm on broadband, but it might give others problems. I tend to avoid images when I can, except for headers and a little bit of spice.
Typically, I like to have the minimum number of images onscreen at any given time, and I like to work with a set site palette of four or fewer colors. As an example, I recently put together an entire site using light gold, dark gold, dark green, and black for my color choices. There's white in there, too, I usually don't count that.
I see also that you're using tables to do your positioning, and instead of tables I would very much suggest you look into CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) positioning. You can find a lot of information at http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp about that.
And as to your site rendering differently depending on your browser... Well, yeah. Sadly, that will always happen. Make sure you test with multiple browsers whenever you make a site.
Happy designing!
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
The paintings are very pretty, but they're a bit large. Doesn't bog me down since I'm on broadband, but it might give others problems. I tend to avoid images when I can, except for headers and a little bit of spice.
Typically, I like to have the minimum number of images onscreen at any given time, and I like to work with a set site palette of four or fewer colors. As an example, I recently put together an entire site using light gold, dark gold, dark green, and black for my color choices. There's white in there, too, I usually don't count that.
I see also that you're using tables to do your positioning, and instead of tables I would very much suggest you look into CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) positioning. You can find a lot of information at http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp about that.
And as to your site rendering differently depending on your browser... Well, yeah. Sadly, that will always happen. Make sure you test with multiple browsers whenever you make a site.
Happy designing!
Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/19/2005 09:13 AM CDT
Programming is a useless skill and only employed by the non-techie geeks. =)~
In an open world who needs Windows or Gates.
In an open world who needs Windows or Gates.
Re: Programming languages (was Re: Forest Wraiths)
09/19/2005 09:14 AM CDT
There are non-techie geeks?
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.
-Vision et al
Also, I can shoot bees.